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That's better!


By Lulu33

That's better!

An upright garden gate stop!

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gateway to the garden, perfect!

17 Nov, 2012


I wish I had more breeze blocks cut like this. Fun to make but awful to take to market!

17 Nov, 2012


you dont want to drop them!!!

17 Nov, 2012


It's ok onto gravel but not onto hard standing!

17 Nov, 2012


Very Pretty !

18 Nov, 2012


Like that, quite unusual the colour strong without being overpowering a good job.

18 Nov, 2012


ah yes thats better, I think you could do a series of these nice bright coloured blocks, I still want one

18 Nov, 2012


Really like these Lou, get making!!

18 Nov, 2012


Lulu partnership on these then, I can make the steel moulds you can mix the concrete,what part are you going to do Steve.
Thinking about it Steve could mix the concrete as he wants

18 Nov, 2012


I could make the tea?

18 Nov, 2012


LoL, I can see you lot like this!!!
What it oblong breezeblock cut on the diagonal....
would steel moulds and concrete be a bit too heavy?
Must admit to wanting to make a couple more....but darned heavy to stack in my boot to take to market!!

19 Nov, 2012


I like those Lulu :0)

19 Nov, 2012


How about a plastic mold, put the stones in the bottom and pour in colours plaster of paris, leave a bit on the top then put stones and a bit more when dry then a dab of paint n bobs yer uncle!

19 Nov, 2012


Lulu they would not be any heavier as you would use the same amount of cement ,the mould provides the shape you slide them out of the mould after a few hours, before it is completely hard,wash the mould and start again.
Steve not sure how strong plaster of paris would be or if it wold go soft in the wet.

20 Nov, 2012


We better get working on it then!!! Although not sure about working with cement as I've never tried it......

P of P I think is too soft....stevie why don't you try one in a plastic mould.....let me know!!

20 Nov, 2012


loving this Lulu...i have cast a few things in cement over the years...its easy once you get going. i dug holes in the garden lined them with old shirts and made mushroom tops..

25 Jan, 2013


Something a bit different! This was a sliced breeze block and a friend needed a gate!

25 Jan, 2013


beautiful and funtional...

25 Jan, 2013

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