Papaya carica 'Maradol' - Young Maradol Papayas
By Delonix1

28 Nov, 2012
My Papayas are getting less and less from people walking by and picking them from the sidewalk. I'm getting a little annoyed and hoping I will have some left to ripen. Photo taken on Thanksgiving (Nov. 22, 2012).
Comments on this photo
Thanks. I hope so too! I've always planted my papaya plants in the back yard so they don't get stolen.
28 Nov, 2012
Alarms on each Papaya ... it's the only answer ;o)
28 Nov, 2012
LOL! Yes, that's the only way. I've seriously though about putting a camera above...and putting a sign which says: smile you're on camera. :>)
28 Nov, 2012
YES... that is a good idea ..... why not ?
Even just the sign ...
'Smile you're on camera'
... they'd be worried that they couldn't spot the camera.. Lol. ;o)
28 Nov, 2012
Yes, I thought of putting a 'smile you're on camera' sign. :>)
29 Nov, 2012
I most likely will put some netting around the fruit.
29 Nov, 2012
I'll find out soon.
30 Nov, 2012
It is sad they have been stolen before ripen of :(.
But, maybe someone is cooking "green papaya" jam.
2 Dec, 2012
Yes, maybe green papaya jam or green papaya chicken (which I love, by the way) :>)
3 Dec, 2012
Now that's a recipe... please write it down... I just love kitchen "experiments" :o)
5 Dec, 2012
You can most likely can find a green papaya chicken recipe on-line. It's a Filipino dish...and so, so good! :>)
5 Dec, 2012
wow they look huge! much bigger than papaya you see here in the supermarkets
28 Feb, 2013
This variety is not too large. My Thai Dwarf variety has giant papayas.
I've been in a bad mood the last couple of days. Someone has been picking my green papayas (on this plant). I need to figure out a way to prevent people on the sidewalk from picking the fruit. I typically grow my papayas in the backyard.
1 Mar, 2013
How very annoying, that would make me cross too. You could put a big label on to say this fruit has been sprayed with a deadly chemical? Would that put them off?
2 Mar, 2013
Yes, that's a good idea. I may put up a camera...and say: "Smile you're on camera" this may deter people from picking my papayas.
2 Mar, 2013
its worth a try!
2 Mar, 2013
I'll see if it works. :>)
4 Mar, 2013
5 Mar, 2013
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This photo is of species Papaya carica 'Maradol' - Young Maradol Papaya.
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I hope they don't all get stolen !
28 Nov, 2012