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Mandevilla 'Red Riding Hood'

Mandevilla 'Red Riding Hood'  (Mandevilla 'Red Riding Hood')

My Mandevilla blooms well all year here in San Diego, CA. It's used as an little informal hedge or vine in many areas of San Diego. Photo taken Jan. 4, 2012.

Comments on this photo


Lovely, mine is very slow growing.

6 Jan, 2013


That's strange, it's typically a very fast-growing plant.

The more tropical Mandevilla 'Alice du Pont' is even faster growing. It can grow 6 - 8 feet (2 -2.5m) in less than one year.

6 Jan, 2013


Ours is growing well, wished it looked as healthy as yours though, ours is in the garden room, has not stopped flowering in five years, bought in France at one of their supermarkets!

8 Jan, 2013



Yes, this plant continues to flower profusely all year here in San Diego, also. It grows super fast. My plant fell down off the wall a few weeks back and several branches broke and then I cut it back a bit. It looks a little more groomed now.

8 Jan, 2013


Never sure when to prune this plant?

8 Jan, 2013


I only prune the tips when they appear to get viny. I want a shrub not a vine.

8 Jan, 2013


I understand......

10 Jan, 2013

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Mandevilla 'Red Riding Hood'.

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