By Joannie

3 Jul, 2008
My husband loves lavenders. I tend to like flowers that make more of an impact but this year I must admit they are looking good
Comments on this photo
I Like the smell of lavenders too Blodyn, just not mad on the plant itself, unlike my husband
3 Jul, 2008
They are looking great, the colors blend so well together. They even bring out the blues and pink in your patio pavers !
6 Jul, 2008
Thanks Flcrazy. It's amazing how many different varieties of lavender there are. My husband would just fill the garden with them and penstemons if I'd let him (which I don't !) There's too many gorgeous flowers in the world to restrict yourself, don't you agree :-)
7 Jul, 2008
One of my favorite scents for the house! These look beautiful!
12 Jul, 2008
I most certainly agree Joannie, I couldn't garden with a restricted flower selection. I'm a plant collector, ( type of person landscapers despise,because I don't follow any of their rules ex.,like planting in drifts or planting in groups of three or five, etc...),and as you can see by looking at my garden I rarely have more than one of any cultivar of flower. Like with the coneflowers, looks like I have several, but each one is a different cultivar, some only have subtle differences, so they look the same, especially at a distance. It's become an I'm hopeless !
13 Jul, 2008
I tend to put a plant here and a plant there in scattered form and I don't care about the colours either I just buy the plants I like and I'm hopeless at the latin names. I do love lavenders though.
27 Jul, 2008
I'm only a very amateur gardener. I visit garden centres and car boots regularly looking for plants that take my fancy but they don't always suit where I put the in the garden and I therefore do lose some along the way :-( I think by doing it this way throughout the year, my garden will always have something in it that I really like. I've got a growing 'wish list' though since discovering GOY :-)
27 Jul, 2008
I guess husbands can be right too, sometimes.. :P
25 Oct, 2008
LOL, yes, just now and again :-)
25 Oct, 2008
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I love the scent of Lavenders : )
3 Jul, 2008