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This is my Rhubarb taken in the snow today, the reason I am putting it on is a certain GOY member does not believe me when I said how it is growing, it would be unfair of me to name the member, all I have to say is, Take a look HOMEBIRD, x

Comments on this photo



15 Jan, 2013


Lots of things have come through early val... my Gunnera is popping up... hope it was ok in the snow yesterday... lots of my plants are coming through as we had mild weather before..... O))

15 Jan, 2013


Not ready enough for "crumble and Custard" Val lol :-))

15 Jan, 2013


thanks Holly, good to hear your plants are growing, H/B I hope you appreciate it that I stood in the garden whilst it was snowing this morning to take this for you, mine does not take time out to nap, Lol Gralew custard is in the fridge just waiting in the rhubarb, the rate its growing I should not have to wait to long,

15 Jan, 2013


if they were walnut whips I know where they would be Snoop, in my mouth

15 Jan, 2013


Thats a sure sign spring is on the way Val .. :o)

15 Jan, 2013


hope your right Amy, white over here today,

15 Jan, 2013


Are you taking bets whose will grow the fastest/biggest
Val... yours or HB

15 Jan, 2013


yes bets being taken G, how much do you want on, I can give you a tip, mine will grow fastest, not sure about Biggest H/B had a splendid show last year. but as for the growing stakes, she won't catch me up that is for sure.

15 Jan, 2013


lol strong stuff rhubarb :o)

15 Jan, 2013


Lol rhubarb wars!! happy new year Val x

15 Jan, 2013


Happy New Year Neelan, xx H/B don'r exagerate, you know very well there is no sign of yours yet, 3 and half inches tall, my hat,

16 Jan, 2013


I have it on good authority that she's photo-shopped this pic Homebird Ha ha :-))

16 Jan, 2013


Oh no where have you popped up from, stop causing trouble, this rhubarb is in my garden BA, do you want some,

16 Jan, 2013


Hope it doesn't get to "Rhubarb sticks(or whatever they call it) at dawn"
What odds you giving me Val, can't afford to lose money, just picking a new bathroom, had a bit of a shock,with the first quote, hope the next ones not as much :((

16 Jan, 2013


Gralew any odds you want dear, we picked a new three piece suite last week and like you nearly died at the price we are paying, good luck with the bathroom,
H/B I have not found the macro yet, Lol how could you say your dear friend yorkie is cheating, you have cut me to the quick this morning,wish I could get the ice off mine and then you really would sit upwhen you saw the real size of it,
Rhubarb Drawn gloves off.

17 Jan, 2013


Keep your gloves on Yorks, you'll get frostbite with weather thats forcast over the weekend!!

17 Jan, 2013


I don't need gloves Gralew, I could flatten H/B with one blow froma stick of my Rhubarb, H/b going to pull the first of the Rhubarb today, do you want me to send you some Dear.

18 Jan, 2013


Are you joking.... is it ready to draw...yes please.I'll take the bit that you're going to flatten HB with... wouldn't like to see headlines on GoY... death by RHUBARB!!!!lol

18 Jan, 2013


I like that G, "Death by Rhubarb, that is just brill. I will send you some down when I can get out in the garden, my son has put a ban on me from stepping out of the back door, bless him

18 Jan, 2013


Hi Val, Rhubarb snow and custard, that will be new Lol,, Mine is growing under water it has been raining here for the last two days none stop and know sign of it stopping so i am afraid it will have to be Rhubarb and watery custard ahhhhhh.

18 Jan, 2013


John, you can have what ever you like me ole love, you say rain, you lucky devil, its snowing here now, the U.K has it bad, we are tucked up in the house in the warm.

18 Jan, 2013


Over 6" snow here today and still coming down, looks beautiful. Of course you oldies Yorky need to take care and stay indoors wrapped up warm, us young'ns ( Bloomers TYT's) are out building snowmen and playing snowballs tra la ....I'll probably pop over to Janes and join her on her sledge this afternoon after my 5 mile jog:-) Hello Johnjoe, see how FIT I am:-)

18 Jan, 2013


where on earth do you keep popping up from Ba, why are you not out jogging and going over to janes, at least I would be getting a bit of peace, I did manage to ski to he village this morning all down hill, but a bugger sking back up, John BA does not know what fit means, we was not warm yesterday BA when I boiler decided to pack in, we had the shakes that bad as it was 13 degrees in the house,

18 Jan, 2013


I don't know what is the worst the snow or the rain I am stuck in as well if you try and venture out for a walk it takes half hour putting on the rain gear. So I will just have to stay here under Annes feet and think up a bit of mischief I can get up to. Lol..

18 Jan, 2013


I'm sure Anne won't mind you being under her feet, I am not going out at all, not even to the bin,

18 Jan, 2013


Hi B/A well for you out enjoying yourself,the best i can do here is put the wellies on and do Gene Kelly dance in the big puddle out on the road.

18 Jan, 2013


Reindeers my foot, what a load of rubbish, did you have any mail when you got there, as for your rhubarb, that is cods wallop you know your just jealous of mine, Murder by rhubarb says Gralew,

18 Jan, 2013


Ha ha Hb, just because Yorky lives in the rhubarb triangle she thinks she's got the best rhubarb. I believe you about the reindeers. Many years ago when I grew extemely tall rhubarb, I used to put a sheet of canvas over the top as they made hugh pillar like growth. It made a beautiful sun canopy and we'd sit under it drinking our champagne and laughing in a sophisticated way:-)

18 Jan, 2013


What are you lot like? get out there,and do some serious the snow..we need to see proof ! :o))

18 Jan, 2013


I have just read each and every comment on this thread ... far better than watching the footie on the TV ... should I mention my Rhubarb growing on the allotment? Well, it's under about 4" of snow now but should be safe from ice and frost! Incidentally, how does one laugh in a sophisticated way????

18 Jan, 2013


I'm sure Ba will explain,Shirley :o)

18 Jan, 2013


In her own time ........ where are you, Ba?

18 Jan, 2013


Listen to me BA, yes I do live in the Rhubarb Traiangle that is why its so big, pulled some yesterday for a crumble, as for you, what a vivid imagination you have, sitting under the canopy drinking champagne and laughing in a sophisticated way, Hum Bug,
Bloomer I am the only one that can do the measuring because I am the only one with Rhubarb growing, the others are just pretending because mine is miles in front of theirs, glad we are amusing you Shirley, we do try our best at times, but please Shirley don't keep calling BA, the woman just seems to pop up from no where at times, Oh yes I nearly forgot, Rheindeers what a load of rubbish,

19 Jan, 2013


I never thought rhubarb could cause me to laugh(and not sophisticated either don't do sophisticate) so much! I'll never look at it again in the same light. What with reindeers, and santa's and rhubarb triangles, whatever next, keep it coming, must get a new copy of the Guiness book.
Sorry to hear about your boiler Yorks, did you manage to get it sorted. We've got to have a new one sometime, everytime we have it serviced the gas man tells us it won't last much longer. The put an "x" by the side of ours on the service sheet, this year they put 2 "x"s. I thought they were kisses, till OH explained its its rating!!

19 Jan, 2013


Oh G I have just laughed out so loud OH wondered what was going on, those xs on your boiler, I can't stop laughing, you are so mad, my boiler is fine thanks, son-in-law who lives 200 miles away taLKED MY HUSBAND THROUGH IT AND REPAIRED IT, on the phone, HB as for your 6ft snow drift now come on who is exaderating now, as for snow boarding you as batty as G, I can understand why Shirley said our Rhubarb is more intresting that the telly, anyway can't stop, just going to make a Rhubarb pie for dinner tonight, its growing that fast we are pulling daily now,

G must tell you, three years ago we had our old boiler serviced and the man put a sticker on the side of it and said we were not to use it as it was dangerous, middle of winter, he packed up all his equipment then gave my husband a taper, he said after I leave turn the gas on from here and re light it with the taper i have given to you, we had a new boiler fitted,

19 Jan, 2013


OMG !!!! Enjoy your rhubarb pie Val xx(they're from me not the gasman)We're definately getting a new one this year!

19 Jan, 2013


Homebird, eat your heart out tonight when you think of us eating our Rhubarb pie,

19 Jan, 2013


HB sophisticated laughs are....Hah Hah Hah hooray Henry style :-))))))

19 Jan, 2013


it won't need thawing HB don't forget we are in the Rhubarb triangle here, I don't believe for one moment you have 6ft snow drifts, are you telling Yorkie porky pies again, I will have to tell santa, G if you heard me laughing at you and H/B you would not have called it sophisticated,

19 Jan, 2013


I had a new washing machine delivered and connected today. I ruined my old one with a disintegrating furniture throw. I've never seen anything like it, I couldn't open the machine as the water couldn't drain. It took me days to get enough stuff out of the drain at the front to allow some drainage so I could buy a new one and get them to dispose of the old one. Problem is, the new one is elctronic and I can't understand the booklet:-( I hate instructions:-(

19 Jan, 2013


I'm a total technophobe Hb, it all seems so complicated:-( I bet this new one won't last anywhere near as long as my old Zanussi. I have a tumble dryer that's well over 20 years old, very simple so less to go wrong Just noticed that sounds like me too:-)

19 Jan, 2013


well well,what a pair I have here, can't follow instructions, excuse me asking but can you both read. BA sounds like you had a sock or something stuck in the pipe, never mind at least you got a new one, HB I did the same as you when I got mine, put it on sports wear and that took three hours, I will tell you something, in my utility room I have an upright deep freeze, its German and I have had that for 40 years, Ralph said he wwas going to order another one but decided its been going that long why change it,
now as for this 5ft of snow, so you managed to leave the camera at your daughters, how convienant for you and T 's camera is complicated, I have heard it all now, your excuses are pathetic HB you really must do better.

20 Jan, 2013


Wot u two like !!!

BA we must have the same Zanussi Tumbledryer, 25yrs i've had mine, and it survived 3 house moves.

20 Jan, 2013


Gralew, I bet if we ever need a new one it will break down after a few years:-) Yorky, I hope you don't mind me saying, but you don't half go on about rhubarb, you're like a dog with a bone. I believe implicitly everything Hb has said, just look at her innocent name could you doubt her?:-)

20 Jan, 2013


Ba if you have no rhubarb then obviously you don't know the I mportance of it,, Homebird Innocent, I am sat here laughing my head off, what a joke,

20 Jan, 2013


Excuses Excuses Excuses, just what I expected from you, how long you had the Limo then, I am so glad T is going to scour the snow to take the photo's for me, yes what a brave soul he is, he must be the most remarkable man having to put up with you, think you have some little thing wrong there HB about Britains best Rhubarb grower, I have the guiness book of records for it, and guess who it is, !!!!!!!!!

20 Jan, 2013



20 Jan, 2013


go away trouble, you know its not you.

20 Jan, 2013


Thank you Val, for the Rhubarb plant you sent me last year it must be 6ft high now. Just uploaded a photo of it this morning.

21 Jan, 2013


you should all be called Pinocchio ! :o))

21 Jan, 2013


so glad the Rhubarb I sent you is doing so well John, HB how could you say there RE FIBBERS ON HERE, NOW THAT IS NOT NICE, SAY YOUR SORRY TO EVERYONE, Bloomer how dare you,

21 Jan, 2013


Cos I like stirring it,Yorky ! LOL:o)) I bet you will say your snow is deeper than ours too ! 8" here..are you able to get out today?

21 Jan, 2013


Bloomer, no exagerting butabout 12 ", I had email from councillor this morning and she has ask Kirklees to get up here, our neighbour/friend has been out on the road since half seven, and the policeman that lives two doors up was trying to clear it at half four this morning,poor bugger had just come off duty, I think he does it because he knows we are all OAP's up here, Oh and stop stirring it up,
Now as For H/B, you could do with your back side spanking my girl, no apology to Me, just wait till your father gets home,

21 Jan, 2013


don't start exagerting again HB, what is wrong with you, pulling Rhubarb in December, do you really think I am that thick that I would believe that old tale,

The policeman came off duty about half three and had to leave his car in the village and walk a mile up hill to here,then he gets a snow shovel out and starts trying to clear the pavement,

21 Jan, 2013


What a thoughtful man,Val..even 2 of our new young neighbours round the corner,have pulled their weight this year..and helped to clear the slope ..the others peek behind the curtains,and then drive out when it's been done !It makes me so angry..Russell was out at 10am,till 1pm,clearing the rest,but some of them are not able to help anymore,so he doesn't mind..two of them went to the Co-op nearby with a shopping list ,,mainly milk and we are all sorted :o)..and one gave Russell a M&S cake for his trouble...two more were setting off to Tenerife,and the taxi had to park at the bottom,so the 'lads' carried their cases down to it looked so funny,all in crocodile fashion down a dug out track Lol...they had checked with Manchester and no delays ..we are so lucky that we all watch out for each other :o)

21 Jan, 2013


some decent folk around Bloomer, our friend cleared the road also this morning, as you say, some wait to see when its been cleared and jump in their cars and off the go,

21 Jan, 2013


Do you think it is a good idea clearing the pavement at the front of your house. We are lucky so far this year with no snow, but last year we had snow every second day for a month.when it fell I was out with my shovel till I had about 3 ton at the kerb and another 3 ton on the lawn which the lawn still has not recovered from it.As mad as I am I would still go out for my walk, but I found that the neighbours who cleared like me there pathway became like an ice rink and quite dangerous to walk on but the people that did not clear theirs was not as dangerous. Also with all the snow at the kerb the car was parked 2ft further out from the kerb.You could not park in the driveway as the pavement was frozen and you could'nt get the car in. If we do get snow I will leave the snow on the pavement as I think it is safer.

21 Jan, 2013


as far as I know here john, if we clear the pavement and it turns icy and someone fell on it then we are liable, none of us here clean the pavements just pile the snow on it, I think that is the best thing to do, I hope you don't get snow, we have really had our share of it here, not been out since last wednesday and now getting to the stage where we I am going stir cazy,

21 Jan, 2013


You are right you would be liable. It hard to believe the sun started to shine this afternoon.

21 Jan, 2013


sun John, what is sun!!!!!

21 Jan, 2013


Yorky what a kind policeman/neighbour, do you think he's after your rhubarb?:-)

21 Jan, 2013


after my body more like BA

21 Jan, 2013


Lol Val:-)))

21 Jan, 2013


and still the Rhubarb comments keep coming ... guaranteed to make me smile when I read them ... keep them coming! ... :o)

21 Jan, 2013


To be honest,I think he may have seen Ralphs legs...Ba,any comment ?

21 Jan, 2013


all I can say is I am glad he has not seen my legs Bloomer, Lol

22 Jan, 2013


Bloomer, Ralphies legs are between me and Ralphie! .... Hb, I think you've cracked it's not rhubarb at all ...that would account for Yorky's fantasies:-))

22 Jan, 2013


crack could it be.

22 Jan, 2013


Get some work done instead of playing on your machine all day!:-)

22 Jan, 2013


I've hoovered, Ralph in kitchen making a chilli for tonight. think we will be able to get out to Morrison's tomorrow,

22 Jan, 2013


I've done nothing today except our breakfast, fed dogs and let them out and dragged wheelie bins to top of drive for collection. Not an easy task as the snow is very deep on the drive and I haven't cleared it. Did think I would venture out today as a little stir crazy, but new snowboots have not arrived as I had email from company to let me know that they didn't actually have the boots to send and would I like another colour or a refund:-( I'd only just started going out again after flu when the snow arrived, so only been out twice in the last almost 3 weeks! No wonder I ramble on here lol:-)

22 Jan, 2013


I told you in Oct/Nov to go get a flu jab, why did you not listen to me, that's a bugger with the snow boots, I went to the wheelie bin this morning but I was scarred of slipping,like you I am going stir crazy, I hate supermarket shopping but it will be good to get out for a couple of hours,

22 Jan, 2013


How sad is that Yorky, looking forward to the supermarket ......I want to look through our 3 local charity shops ....well's an outing lol. Most of all I want to go into Walsall and see if my fave market stall has any lovely hellebores although it can be a struggle getting plants home on the bus:-)

22 Jan, 2013


don't go to far if the weather is bad will you, your right you know, how sad is it when you look forward to going to the supermarket, I am bored.

22 Jan, 2013


I'm going nowhere...being sensible:-)

22 Jan, 2013


good girl

22 Jan, 2013


mind how you go, sounds like you have travelled quite far, I will see if Morrisons have any of Homebird rhubarb tomorrow, I will ask for the manager, our firend has been and got me a couple of bits of shopping and bless her she went out with the snow shovel and cleared all the snow at the end of the drive so we can get out tomorrow,

22 Jan, 2013


We managed to get out today...hurrah ! wen to town on the bus,most pavements gritted,no problems at all..Went in Wetherspoons and had a lovely late Breakfast..they serve it till noon..just made it..and then some shopping good to get out again..the fog lifted,and we had a lovely blue sky...with sunshine ! did you see it Yorky ?

22 Jan, 2013


Sunshine and blue sky here yesterday Bloomer, guess what, the grit lorry has just come up here, are the council taking the mickey or what, the road is clear.!!!!!!!!

23 Jan, 2013


It's snowing here again:-(
I did see it on the news about Homebirds rhubarb, I believe our local Morrisons has it, I hope you apologise to her Yorky. I can't believe your pavements are gritted Bloomer, do you live on a amin road? At times like this I wish we had a car, but who could drive it lol?:-)

23 Jan, 2013


One of our neighbours had rung to ask if they could do our road,Yorky..after explaining how many over 80's live here (not us,before you ask ! :o))and they said they would come as soon as they had the time..but as we managed to do it ourselves,he rang to tell them,as he didn't want them to have a wasted journey....which was appreciated.all the pavements are still piled high,but no problem walking on the road.....and Ba,it was only in town the pavements were gritted,with one of those hand driven ones..personally,I think they have all done a great job,considering how many main roads we have here...We leave the car at home,and go on the bus..but luckily we are so near the main road,and a bus stop,we are luckier than most..

23 Jan, 2013


we keep getting the odd flurry but nothing to speak of, BA Bloomer we have been to Aldi then onto Morrisons, sorry BA I was in such a temper I forgot to look for Homebirds Rhubarb, we got there and had not eaten this morning so decided to pop in for a bite, Ralph ordered a cheese burger and I ordered sausage egg bacon, fried breaD AND TOMATOE, rALPHS CAME AFTER ABOUT HALF HOUR AND IT WAS stone cold and did not look good, I ate the sausage and egg and had to leave the rest as it had been cooked that long and kept warm if I had tried eating the bacon and fried bread I would have lost what teeth I have left, Ralph complained about the burger and chips and half hour later they came with another plate, this was worse than the first so we got up and left the food on the table, he complained to customer service and got our money back, we had looked forward to getting out today, but believe me we could not wait to get back home,

23 Jan, 2013


I came home HB and made Ralph something to eat. I won't go in there again not after today, Ralph won't complain and stood waiting for me to do it, but I refused, I said you have had two burgers that you can't eat now complain.

23 Jan, 2013


That's awful,Yorky..we often go at lunchtime,but usually only have one of their sandwiches..which are we will stay clear of the cooked food..what a shame.when you were looking forward to getting out..Russell isn't a complainer either,it's always me that does it ..what is it with them ? I think sometimes they appreciate feedback,so they know why it's not right,and can discipline the person concerned..and done in the right manner,no problem,is there? ..

23 Jan, 2013


I never eat in those places now, I always worry where the meat comes from and it never tastes good anyway. Our local Morrisons cafe always smells of fish... yeugh ...but it's very popular. We have lots of eating places in Aldridge, 7 or 8 opening at lunch time to my knowledge and nightime we have loads, mainly Asian and Italian. They must think we're a greedy lot here, I've no idea how they all survive. Lots of hairdressers too come to think of it, considering we're only an overgrown village type thing:-))

23 Jan, 2013


our one is very popular BA, we went in about 5 weeks ago and had to wait for our food for an hour we should have known then, think we will stick to the one we went to with you and russel Bloomer over Grange moor, if we had an Italian in our Village I would never get Ralph out, his favourite foods of all time, there was no problem at customer service she said she agreed with us, you pay for something and you want value for money, but like Ralph said, the first burger and chips was cold, and it was, would you not think they have had a complaint and sent it back they would have sent hot chips and burger out the next time, no they did not.

23 Jan, 2013


It shows contempt I think:-( If only he'd have waved his legs at them:-)

23 Jan, 2013


Lol Ba you get worse

23 Jan, 2013


A shame it's so cold in that tearoom,Yorky..the last twice we have been,we have been frozen..couldn't take our coats off..I think its the positioning of the doors,as the radiators are always warm..we won't be going again till the warmer weather !..I agree about the Burger and chips,it should have been hot the 2nd time..but the first time would have been even better....

23 Jan, 2013


if its as cold in there as you say maybe we will miss it until the weather gets better.

23 Jan, 2013


Lol,Ba..he did ,that's why he got another cold Burger..!
The waitress thought he had gone a bit too far..a shake of the fist was enough ! :o))

23 Jan, 2013


ha ha very funny

23 Jan, 2013


Yes,Yorky,good isn't good when you are so cold..

23 Jan, 2013


got the yorkshire bake off in he morning, 20 cornish pasties for ralph, hope I can get them all in the freezer.

23 Jan, 2013


Good grief Yorky are bored ...20 cornish pasties! Have you put a recipe on?:-) Bloomer. I've told you before ...Ralphies legs are no business of yours and I'll thank you not to mention them again! :-)

23 Jan, 2013


not bored, I make a batch at a time for him, I put a recipe on ages ago, Amy makes them, she makes batches also,I have the mixture ready in a big mixing bowl when I get up in the morning i will start, normally takes about 4 hours to get them all made and baked,

23 Jan, 2013


I'll have a look for it later:-)

23 Jan, 2013


made 14 big pasties this morning BA

24 Jan, 2013


Well done Val, I think you have broken the record for comments on your wonderful photo Rhubarb,and thanks for sending me the photo of it I have it in a lovely frame, if you like I will upload it for you.

24 Jan, 2013


Thanks John

24 Jan, 2013


I can't find your pasties recipe Yorky, I think you've been sending me on a wild goose chase .... trying to keep me away from Jj :-)

24 Jan, 2013


Hello Ba ... type in 'Yorkshire pasties' in the search box on the top right of this page and ... lo and behold ... the recipe!

24 Jan, 2013


Thanks Shirley, I foolishly looked at recipes lol:-) I have looked and left an unhappy comment:-)) Homebird, don't blame Jj, I think Yorky's blackmailing him:-))

25 Jan, 2013


thank you Shirley, the two of them are just trying to blacken my name again.

25 Jan, 2013


It's Done Val

25 Jan, 2013


LOL at your comments ... all making me smile again!

25 Jan, 2013


Thanks H/B, that was just great to read it again, it brought back a smile to me. You reminded me about the rhubarb I just had a look at it and is about 3" above the ground, I suppose yours is 24" high.... Lol. Val she was good fun. She is missed, God bless her.

24 Jan, 2015


I looked on Goy this evening
and what a big surprise
To see our Yorky's 'Rhubarb'
I couldn't believe my eyes.

And yes,I laughed out loud again
At all the comments here
Our Yorky's not forgotten
Her memory is dear

Perhaps she's looking down at us
In a garden like her own
Where she grows the biggest rhubarb
That heaven has ever known:-)

24 Jan, 2015


I often look at old 'banter' blogs Hb, I use them as a pick-me-up. I'll try to come on Goy more, it's a pity Floribunda isn't here to get us going and poor Sandra down with flu. I find life spinning by so quickly now ( I seem to be putting the bins out every other day lol) I really must try and find time for this:-)

25 Jan, 2015


Maybe .... come the spring ... our enthusiasm will return ... I keep looking through seed and plant (thinking of using more HAs) and for a while feel a little excitement ..... I'm sure it will come back. Pleased to see your rhubarb is flourishing, but I bet it will never grow tall and strong enough (as did mine) to use as a sun sheter:-)

28 Jan, 2015


Sun shelter how are you. Mine is as big as a bus shelter. what do think of that B/A

29 Jan, 2015


Well John, I hate to say this .....but I don't believe you:-P

29 Jan, 2015


Well if you don't believe me Just look rhubarb & custard, and they were only starting to grow for the season.

29 Jan, 2015


You do know he's kissed the Blarney stone Hb?:-)

30 Jan, 2015


Well, Val and I fought over him:-)))

31 Jan, 2015


I think ye are just trying to give me a big head, just to knock me back down. Well I can tell you it will not work. B/A I did kiss the blarney stone . H/B I did go to Butlins Pwillheli ask B/A, and she will tell you a story or two about there and you would need gift of the gab for there. Lol

31 Jan, 2015


Yes HB, John was a cleaner at Butlins, I of course was a glamorous redcoat. How we glitterati laughed as we elegantly threw down our fag ends and empty cans for poor John to clean up. We weren't snobs though, we did speak to him and on occasion treated him like one of us. Those were the days eh John:-D

31 Jan, 2015


I don't know how you mixed me up B/A with John who worked on the cleaning staff, who were a smashing bunch of people. I was the young man in charge of giving redcoats their duties, and if I remember right I had you at children entertainment during the day clock room attendant at night. If I have .O' if only had them days back,

1 Feb, 2015


Well John, you don't remember right! It must have been all those drugs you took back them :-)))))

1 Feb, 2015



2 Feb, 2015

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