Pot of Violas again....
By Karensusan63
- 17 Jan, 2013
...I know you've seen this before, but I just can't believe how well they are doing in the cold...they just keep on smiling at me. I must have had this for 2 months now and it cost a tenner. How good is that? :)
Comments on this photo
...none of the ones I planted in the ground are flowering, so it just shows that it's best to keep these in a container for winter flowers.
17 Jan, 2013
lol..yup, just that tiny bit, but the forecast is awful for the next two days Melchi, so watch this space!
17 Jan, 2013
looking great Karen
17 Jan, 2013
That's interesting, Karen - the only violas I've got flowering are in pots, too, yet you'd think they'd be happier in the ground. Perhaps that's why they're flowering, though. I've still got bacopa flowering in a half-basket on the front wall of the house.
17 Jan, 2013
Lucky you! mine look very sorry for themselves, so much so I've decided not to get them again as this is the second winter they've not done much.
17 Jan, 2013
Put them somewhere safe from the snow so that they can continue to make you smile.
17 Jan, 2013
This is so pretty...
17 Jan, 2013
Beautiful arrangement, everything, not just flowers :))
17 Jan, 2013
Ah, thanks everyone! I'll try to rescue them Linda...if I remember!
17 Jan, 2013
What a lovely sight in this weather...
17 Jan, 2013
very pretty, :O)
17 Jan, 2013
One of my garden tables is like yours but how do you keep it so clean Karen?
18 Jan, 2013
Well, it's fairly new, only about 2 years old...but I don't keep it clean....I only give it a sweep about twice a year. Some of the tiles are coming loose with frost damage sad to say :(
18 Jan, 2013
Mine is also about 2 years old but it gets very dirty and turns green. Tried soda Bicarb which helps but its not that great to look at.
18 Jan, 2013
mmm....why don't you try a bleach solution Drc...that's what I would try if I were you......the one you use on your bathroom grouting might do the job :)
18 Jan, 2013
Thanks Karen will give it a go in the spring.
19 Jan, 2013
Amazing little plants, and such a welcome sight at this time of the year.....how is your weather K?
21 Jan, 2013
Very windy A, with horizontal sleet, but no snow. Horrible!
22 Jan, 2013
Same here, very cold and now back to tremendous rain.....
22 Jan, 2013
Yes, we are very very soggy already and they are threatening more precipitation ......the worms must all be drowned by now :(
22 Jan, 2013
They would make me smile to they are so pretty :o))
28 Jan, 2013
At the time I felt very guilty for spending a tender on them........now I think it was one of my better decisions! :)
29 Jan, 2013
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Fantastic, aren't they? I had to check that there actually is snow on your lawn!
17 Jan, 2013