to be accurate...
By Kasy

18 Jan, 2013
the amount of snow in SE Wales...
Picture taken today at noon. And it is still snowing
Comments on this photo
:o( You've had a lot. I hope you're all right.
18 Jan, 2013
oh kasy ~ you have just taken a photo the same as me! still snowing here too ~ the garden table looks like a huge white cake!
18 Jan, 2013
18 Jan, 2013
be careful if you are out in it!
I want to take some photos but I need it to stop snowing first!
18 Jan, 2013
I am OK guys. No need to stick my nose out today. Went to do shopping yesterday. They ran out of bread in ASDA and Lidl. So I bought a bread mix - just waiting for the dough to rise and will bake my own bread today.
Cleared my driveway and car today - it will be easier to get rid of next load of snow that way:)
Took few pictures already - will try to do a blog.
18 Jan, 2013
Is it still snowing there kasy?
I might make bread later ~ love homemade bread!
18 Jan, 2013
not at this moment. but you never know - it might start again.
18 Jan, 2013
it is here! but admittedly very fine snow!
18 Jan, 2013
it didn't leave me Sticki. just popped out to take another measurement - can add an inch to the previous one.
p.s. the bread is in the oven:)
18 Jan, 2013
oh dear i didnt do the bread! cooked some chocolate croissant that were in the freezer instead! will go and measure again soon
18 Jan, 2013
hehe - I'll leave the next measurement until tomorrow:)
18 Jan, 2013
its 8" now! but it has finally stopped snowing
18 Jan, 2013
have to get me tape measure out
18 Jan, 2013
don't forget your torch Stevie;-)
18 Jan, 2013
Kasy, upload the photo of your bread! That´s a good idea. Do you know the High Tatra? There is large respiratory hospital, very high on the top of slopes.
During hurricaine in 2004 the hospital was absolutely cut off the world for several days. There was no access there, neither from ground nor from the air.
They had their own electric station, so it was warm there. They had large cinema hall there, they were looking old films. My friend, who was a doctor in chief and on duty (for 5 days, lol), ordered to cooks to bake bread and cakes for patients, as there was shorcut of meat and of course no supply from the town. It was very very nice :)))
18 Jan, 2013
'let them eat cake' is a very famous saying! i dont think i would complain!
18 Jan, 2013
They have fantastic dinner rooms there. Large, spacy, sunny, with large windows. When I was practicing there for a short time, I loved to go out on a sunny terrace and have a chicken soup there with nurses :))
18 Jan, 2013
Deep!!!!! it was....
15 Oct, 2013
it really was. But I remember deeper - but not here. back home:)
22 Oct, 2013
yes iam sure of that.
23 Oct, 2013
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