Walter - our latest aquisition
By Oliveoil

18 Jan, 2013
After 15 plus years of a beautiful Westie (who sadly had to be put to sleep just before Christmas) we inherited Walter to look after until my youngest daughter finds a new home for herself and her pooch. Hopefully not too long before she does as Walter is a terrier and does not take kindly to discipline, he had to be rescued from the main dual carriageway after escaping and refusing to come back - I have never been so terrified - cars and lorries were flying up and down and he was thinking it was good to play. How on earth my oh managed to grab him in the middle of that road I have no idea. So from now on he is not allowed out without he is on his leash. Bad BOY WALTER. Think OH and my Bloodpressure was sky high that evening. You would think butter would not melt in his mouth looking at him.
Comments on this photo
It was a very scary afternoon. Scruffy is sleeping peacefully now - he was so old and had been such a beautiful pet, he will be sadly missed by all the family but thank goodness we could bring him back home and have him buried in his favourite spot.
Pleased you like Walters picture.
18 Jan, 2013
Walter is gorgeous Olive, bet you got a real fright...We have to keep Charley locked in the yard, he would run off too...:>)
18 Jan, 2013
thanks Motti, unfortunately we are open to the wood much too big an area to close off, our gates were closed and he jumped one without any hesitation and then the big gate he just ran through the bars and straight out onto the road. What a nightmare he is. lol. alls well that ends well though. :O)
18 Jan, 2013
....and Walter looks SO innocent! You must have had a terrible fright - I wonder if he did too?!
Best of luck!!!
18 Jan, 2013
thank you Wildrose, we did - I am not sure he even realised the traffic was so busy. He is such a headless chicken hopefully we will calm him down eventually.
18 Jan, 2013
He is georgious! However, I donĀ“t think he is terrier, he appears to me as this breed:
Sorry, I do not know English name of this sort of dog.
18 Jan, 2013
He is a Miniature Schautzner Terrier well that is what we have been told Katrina. (dont know how you spell it though) he is lovely, and very perky. Gives lots of cuddles and likes his tum being tickled.
18 Jan, 2013
Aaa, OK, that explains it. In our terminology there is no "terrier" in name like in other terriers, so your name confused me. But when I translated Miniature Schautzner, it gave me what I meant. So thank you, this is a new information for me, that this sort of dogs also originates in terriers. I love them, by the way. They are unexhaustable :)))
19 Jan, 2013
Aaaww, he's so sweet! I know he might be naughty now, but I bet you'll miss him, Barbara when he's gone!
19 Jan, 2013
I am certain I shall, he is lovely, just a bit of a handful. lol :O) must be getting old. lol.
19 Jan, 2013
Aren't we all! Hahaa!
19 Jan, 2013
He certainly looks a sweetie but obviously very 'boisterous ' like many terriers! Our Paddy is a bit of a rascal with roads.He's 10 now and has always been made to stop and sit at roads but he still would just go across if we didn't remind him!
Mind you, he's never played in a dual carriageway.Oh dear, I can imagine how you felt!!
19 Jan, 2013
I think I am still recovering Paul - not allowed out now without his lead firmly attached he keeps looking to run out everytime he leaves on his walks. I should be fit in about 2 weeks time with all this walking. Well hopefully I should. lol. :o)
19 Jan, 2013
Terriers are known for it, I believe.My wife and her sister both had a wire haired terrier each as children and they both made a run for it if they got the chance!
19 Jan, 2013
obviously the nutcases of the dog world these terriers. He is constantly looking for trouble, but you would think when he looks at you with those adoring eyes that he is as good as gold and would never ever do anything wrong. lol. but I know him and he is not going to get away with anything. Right off to tickle him on his tum next. Maybe that is where I have gone wrong. lol. x
20 Jan, 2013
Walter is a Miniature Schnauzer - my sister used to breed them. They are full of character. There are Standards and Giants as well (and the Giants are HUGE, they used to pull milk carts in Germany!) Lovely dog!
21 Jan, 2013
thank you Melchi he is pretty amazing, full of fun and very very loving, just a bit of a handful for us. lol.
21 Jan, 2013
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very sweet Olive oil - sounds a pretty scary story but well done for the rescue - sorry about the Westie being out to sleep -
18 Jan, 2013