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Roystonea regia - Cuban Royal Palm

Roystonea regia - Cuban Royal Palm (Roystonea regia - Cuban Royal Palm)

This is one of two planted on each side of the reflecting pool in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. It was only planted three years ago and had no trunk. Photo taken on Jan. 16, 2013.

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The weather looks so lovely there ;)

19 Jan, 2013



We just went through some of the coldest weather (for 6 days) in many years here in Southern California. In San Diego we don't get freezing temps or frost (especially urban areas). The temps were well below normal, though.

Wednesday we started getting back to normal temps and now it's above normal. Today there will be widespread 80ºF (27ºC) weather. :>))

19 Jan, 2013


I like this one for its trunk...

22 Jan, 2013


Yes, the trunk is very large and whitish-grey.

23 Jan, 2013


You wont even see a Sago planted in a park here let alone an Encephelartos. Andy- does Balboa park have poaching problems? They seem to put some rare or and expensive plants in very public places.

22 Nov, 2014


I'm not sure if Balboa Park has poaching problems.

Balboa Park has so many interesting tropical trees and plants.

22 Nov, 2014

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