Kigelia africana - Sausage Tree and Pods
By Delonix1

24 Jan, 2013
Sausage tree at San Diego State University. Photo taken Oct. 12, 2008. Posted for Terratoonie.
Comments on this photo
Thanks! :>)
This sausage tree produces lots of pods.
You'll be happy to know this tree is being offered a lot more in nurseries here now. It used to only be grown as an oddity. I should start seeing a whole lot more in the landscape.
25 Jan, 2013
That's good news :o)))
25 Jan, 2013
Yes, it is. People have to be very careful where they plant this tree, though. It can cause a lot of damage if it's planted around where cars are parked.
26 Jan, 2013
Do you mean damage to cars when the pods fall down ?
26 Jan, 2013
Oooh ,what a strange looking tree!
26 Jan, 2013
Yes, damage to cars when the pods fall on them. The pods can be quite heavy because they're so dense.
26 Jan, 2013
Yes, it can appear strange to people who don't live in the tropics/subtropics where this tree grows. :>)
26 Jan, 2013
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Thanks, Delonix ... lovely photo ..
more pics for GoYpedia Sausage Trees :o)))
24 Jan, 2013