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song thrush


By Suey187

song thrush

First year i have seen one in the garden.

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Lets hope he keeps coming now he knows where the food is , we have one they are lovely to see .......

30 Jan, 2013


Great pic

30 Jan, 2013


Thanks Amy & Hollyeves

31 Jan, 2013


Good photo Suey.You must have been quite close or did you have a telescopic lens?

2 Feb, 2013


Very handsome, haven't seen one in our garden for years:-(

12 Feb, 2013


Thanks Feverfew,I took yhe photo through the window,using the zoom on my camera.
The thrush came for about a week,Bornagain.I haven't seen one for years either.I feel very lucky.:0)

12 Feb, 2013


Years ago, in my old garden, we had lots of thrushes and my lovely old next door neighbour told me that there used to be massive flocks of linnets before my time, but I've never seen linnets:-)

13 Feb, 2013


I have never seen Linnets either,just looked them up in my bird book,they look a bit like sparrows,but have a pinky colour on their heads,when they are young.

13 Feb, 2013


I believe people would capture them and breed them with canaries, possibly to improve their song. That old music hall song 'My old mansaid follow the van' mentions her old cock linnet. I'm going to google to see why their numbers have dropped so drastically. I used to have tree sparrows here, but haven't seen one for years. Lots of house sparrows and dunnocks, but the tree sparrows were lovely:-)

14 Feb, 2013


I think i get tree sparrows here,will have to check my bird book.:O)

14 Feb, 2013


They're the ones with the jaunty little brown skull caps, both male and female wear them:-)

16 Feb, 2013


what an excellent close up. we only get these in winter snow

11 Mar, 2013


This was the first one i had seen in years Paul.He came for about a week,not seen him since.:O)

11 Mar, 2013


shame but well captured

11 Mar, 2013


thanks Paul :O)

11 Mar, 2013

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