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Bridge at confluence of the Brook & River Ouse


By Balcony

Bridge at confluence of the Brook & River Ouse

White painted bridge at the confluence of the Brook & River Ouse at Riverside Park, Huntingdon

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Lovely picture, that's a lot of water!

I go past Huntington on my way to Bury st Edmonds!

3 Feb, 2013


That happens a couple of times a year some years, in the autumn/winter & winter/spring.
This year we had the same scene in November & at that time we hadn't had any snow yet! Just goes to show just how much it rained during November last year!

3 Feb, 2013


And most of the summer!

3 Feb, 2013


Yes, the summer was a washout, wasn't it? I hope this summer will be better. This week we are forecast a lot of cold wind & possibly "wintry showers". The sun is now shining here at 10am but I can still hear the wind.

4 Feb, 2013


Lovely blue sky and sun in London today!

4 Feb, 2013


For about half the day we also had lovely blue skies & lots of sunshine - together with a very strong cold wind! :-((

5 Feb, 2013


No snow though!?

5 Feb, 2013


No, no snow, only one sleet shower which the wind pushed along nearly horizontally! Didn't last more than 5 mins or so.

My wife & I found out this afternoon that there had been a thunderstorm & a huge amount of sleet & hail on Monday night- we hadn't heard a thing! Though my wife did mention Tuesday morning that she thought she'd heard rain beating very hard on the bedroom window. She didn't hear any thunder though - neither did I!

We had some friends around for tea this afternoon & they told us about it! One of the two dogs they have jumped up on their bed trembling with fright!

We did see what I thought was snow piled up against a couple of curbs in the cinema car park we cross to get to my wife's place of work. It must have been hailstones. They told us the ground was white with them.

6 Feb, 2013


They had a hail storm in south-east Devon on Monday or Tuesday!

The wind is incredibly cold here today. My house doesnt feel very warm either ~ think i will stay in the kitchen!

6 Feb, 2013


Our flat feels as if all the doors & windows were open! I had to sit inside a sleeping bag while sitting here at the computer & even then my feet were like blocks of ice! :-((
Today the wind has dropped a lot & the temps have been a little higher. :-)) But we are forecast possible snow on Sunday evening or Monday morning! :-((

7 Feb, 2013


oh dear me ~ sleeping bag? you would think we would get used to the cold by now but i dont think we ever do?

7 Feb, 2013


No we never become accustomed to these changes in the weather!

8 Feb, 2013



8 Feb, 2013


ohhh, that's nice. bet it's a bit breezy this weather, though

28 Mar, 2013


It's more than ... "a bit breezy this weather" ... It has been terribly cold with the wind. It looks as if there will be no let up either according to the weather forecasters on TV this morning. We were told to expect these strong East winds to last during the first week of April! :-((

We have had the central heating on since 7am today (now 5.17pm) & the flat is still cold. I'm sitting here at the computer & my legs & feet are freezing even though I have a blanket over my lap & legs! :-((

28 Mar, 2013


I use a footrest at the computer (took me ages to find one that had a lift-out bit for a dictaphone foot control!) so my feet aren';t on the floor. Maybe if you put a folded towel or something under your feet that might help a bit?

I read somewhere that if your back's warm, that helps the rest of you stay warm, or warmer; I have a little body-warmer that I use indoors, just to give my back an extra layer.

Hope the weather breaks soon!

28 Mar, 2013


I think its your feet that seem to set the temperature? I find if my feet are cold the rest of me will be!

28 Mar, 2013


i wear leg-warmers scrunched up down my ankles - i hate getting draughts up my trouser legs! (they work well in bed, too)

28 Mar, 2013


My feet are seldom on the actual floor but rest inside the computer station. It is on wheels & has a wooden base (well the whole unit is wooden!) with 2 horizontal shelves but in between them, in the middle, is a vertical division. One side was originally for storing CDs on a series of green plastic shelves. I don't remember what the other side was for, probably for storing books related to computers originally. Anyway it's been years since they were used for their original purpose & now my feet go in there. For years I had a plank across the metal bars that hold the wheels & I rested my feet on that but I eventually got rid of it.

Sometimes I've used a wheat pillow that you heat up in the microwave oven but the vertical board stops it from covering both my feet & I also found it got cold very quickly. Sometimes I sit inside a sleeping bag but truth be told it doesn't help all that much!

At Christmas my wife bought me a pair of microwaveable socks. They have a small bag of wheat that you take out & heat up in the micro. The problem with that idea is that it is very fiddly getting the bags in & out of the socks. After a few days I started to put a whole sock in at a time! After a couple of weeks one caught fire!!! Fortunately I was standing close to the micro & saw the flames & quickly took it out of the micro but the stench stayed around for days afterwards!

I had to throw the sock away but kept the undamaged wheat bag. Having no use for just 1 sock I threw it away as well. Now I just heat up the bags for a few minutes in the micro & put them inside my normal slippers. They help but get cold very quickly as well.

31 Mar, 2013


Often two thin layers are better than one thicker one: air gets trapped in the layers. *s* I can remember heating a pair in the oven on a very low gas. Tried hiking socks over ordinary ankle socks, that seemd to help a bit.

I had one of those PC tables but I couldn't get on with having to stoop to reach under to get to the printer - besides which, I like to be able to stretch my feet out, and kept knee-capping myself on the damn thing.

31 Mar, 2013

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