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My Valentine doggie :)

My Valentine doggie :)

OK. Deal was made, this will be our new family member in a week, my confidant and guardian. Is a boy, 7 weeks old. No name. What about Norris? :))

Comments on this photo


OK i can see the boxer bit whats the rest.
That name will bring a smile to all who watch Coronation street in the UK.
Doubt if Slovac TV lower there stanadards to show that sort of soap,so i suppose at some point I shall have to

9 Feb, 2013


Love him, want him. Lol Bjs, any Corrie adict knows Norris. Good name though Katarina, you must be so excited. :)

9 Feb, 2013


He looks very intelligent kat, bet you can't wait to get him, you will have such fun together.

9 Feb, 2013


Bjs@this is not boxer, but French buldog. They are very intelligent dogs and love the family, also children. Doesn´t need so much space and running as terrier, so that´s why. I love him, I saved him. He was among others which were prepared for export somewhere. Now I am thinking about litte jacket for him :))) Oh yes, Dawnsaunt, it is as if I have got baby, awwww :))
Sticki, do you like the name or what would you suggest?
I think I will add one more photo of little Norris.
By the way, BJS, who is Norris from soap opera?

9 Feb, 2013


The name Norris doesn't mean anything to me, no associations (I don't watch the soaps) I will have to have a think.........
One idea might be as he looks so intelligent, and you like and are good at explaining clever thoughts, how about a famous clever thinker's name? Or maybe a friendly trusting name because that is what he will be, your trusted friend.

9 Feb, 2013


What you mean, or whom do you mean as famous clever thinker?

9 Feb, 2013


sorry about that looks cute but they all do at seven weeks just give him a while to adjust and tear the house apart when you are at work,as for a baby you have gone all broody, if you are going to buy a jacket you may as well buy the hat and four booties
As for the name Norris I am probably not the right person to describe him so have consulted my OH.=
Sanctimonious nosey Po faced-looser,a Granddad that children have always wanted to poke fun at.
But I must add a brilliant actor.
PS you could call him 'Brian' famous thinker

9 Feb, 2013


:)) He is not Englishman, Brian. He doesn´t need boots and hat, jacket is pretty enough.
And he will be not alone while I will be at work. He will stay at my mother. I think she needs a companion, too :)

9 Feb, 2013


I can't find a suitable name, I was looking for a thinker like Voltaire but with a name suitable for calling a dog.
I know you often use interesting quotes, do any if the writers of those quotes have good names?

9 Feb, 2013


Dalai Lama ? :))

9 Feb, 2013



9 Feb, 2013



9 Feb, 2013


Steve? :))

9 Feb, 2013


Oh dear poor Mum,How about Beethoven that's classy ( remember the one in the film Sticki)

9 Feb, 2013


Brian, your comments make me think, you suffer with Jamie. Are you?

9 Feb, 2013


I loved the film about Beethoven (not the composer) Brian. Just my sort of film.

Marcus is rather nice, I like that.

9 Feb, 2013


Its only my fun, but yes we suffered when he was a puppy in fact I think I have suffered ever since,the only reason I keep him is because I love him.
Good night Katarina will go back to something sensible tomorrow

9 Feb, 2013


I saw the film Beethoven, too, but it is not a good name for dog to call him (too long). I like also Button. lol.
Or Jack.

9 Feb, 2013


Good night - and to Jamie too.

9 Feb, 2013


Button is nice too!

9 Feb, 2013


He is a sweethart. Congratulation. How about Charlie or Billy .

10 Feb, 2013


Charlie sounds good!!! :)

10 Feb, 2013


how about your favourite Katarina? Chuck (Norris), lol.
he's cute - waiting for more pictures and updates;)

10 Feb, 2013


You see? Lol. Bingo! Now you Kasia are the one who solved enigma, why I had that mysterious temptation to name this little bulldog Norris. Lol. Excellent. Yes, he is Chuck Norris from Slovak-Hungarian borders. Hahaha.

10 Feb, 2013


haha - glad I could help. I don't hear much of those jokes about him anymore here.
but hope your little one will be as brave as his namesake:)

10 Feb, 2013


Chuck Norris has a grizzly bear carpet in his room. The bear isn´t dead, it is just afraid to move.

10 Feb, 2013


Chuck Norris died 20 year ago, Death just hasn´t built up courage to tell him yet.

10 Feb, 2013


Chuck Norris has already been on Mars. That´s why there are no signs of life.

10 Feb, 2013


hahahaha - thanks Katarina:)

10 Feb, 2013


:)) Just ask. Chuck Norris is my favourite topic.

10 Feb, 2013


then you have to call your dog after him! i love the bear rug joke.

10 Feb, 2013


When I was choosing the name (yes, I actually gave it a thought:-)) for him I thought Aristoctatic (sort of) + playful + french (heritage)... and Charlie came to mind.
But of course your criteria might be different

Billy is nick name for William which means "great protector"(or something like that).

10 Feb, 2013


Nothing is decided, yet, Klahanie :)) So William does mean great protector? I didn´t know that. know...Chuck Norris is also a great protector :))
Yes, I like Charlie. Will think about it. I still have some days to choose.

10 Feb, 2013


Yes,William means a "great protector" and Charles "free man" That goes back to middle ages and you probably want a modern name. Chuck is derivative of Charles as well.
Choose the name you will be happy with Katarina.
I was just musing.
What ever his name will be he is adorable in this picture.

10 Feb, 2013


Yes, he is :)) Thank you. I see you know a lot about "genealogy" of certain names. In what language does William mean great protector?

10 Feb, 2013


These are just associations (mainly royal family meanings):
These are from the middle ages so take it with grain of salt :-)

Regal Name Gender Royal family Meaning

Adela Girl England -noble and serene
Adelaide Girl Germany- noble and kind
Alexander Boy Russia- a defender of men
Alexandrine Girl Germany- defender of mankind
Alexia Girl Greece -a defender of mankind
Alfred boy England- wise counselor
Alice Girl England- noble
Anastasia Girl Russia- she who will rise again
Andrei Boy Russia -manly
Andrew Boy England -manly, courageous
Anne Girl England -grace, favoured by God
Arabella Girl England -a beautiful altar
Arthur Boy England- strong as a bear
Augusta Girl England -majestic or revered
Augustus Boy England -venerated, the exalted one
Basil Boy Russia -knightly, royal
Beatrice Girl England -bringer of gladness
Blanche Girl England -fair-haired
Boris Boy Russia- warrior
Carlos Boy Spanish -a free person
Caroline Girl England- a free person
Cecilia Girl Germany -blind one or the sixth
Charles Boy England -manly, free person
Charlotte Girl Germany- little woman
Christina Girl Spanish -follower of Christ
Edgar Boy England -great spear carrier
Edmund Boy England -protector
Edward Boy England -happy guardian
Eleanor Girl England -light of the sun
Elena Girl Spanish -light of the sun
Elizabeth Girl England -consecrated to God
Emma Girl England -healer of the universe
Ernest Boy England -the serious one
Felipe Boy Spanish -fond of horses
Frederica Girl Germany -a peaceful ruler
Geoffrey Boy England -divinely peaceful
George Boy England -a tiller of the soil
Haakon Boy Norway -honoured son
Harald Boy Norway -army power
Harold Boy England -ruler of the army
Helena Girl England -the light of the sun
Henry Boy England- estate ruler
Igor Boy Russia -bow warrior
Ivan Boy Russia -God is gracious
James Boy England- the supplanter
Jane Girl England -God is gracious
John Boy England -God is gracious
Juan Boy Spanish -God is gracious
Kira Girl Russia -the sun
Louisa Girl Germany -renowned in battle
Louise Girl England -renowned in battle
Margaret Girl England -pearl
Martha Girl Norway -lady
Matilda Girl England -mighty battle maiden
Mikhail Boy Russia -like the Lord
Natalia Girl Russia -born at Christmas
Nicholas Boy Russia -victory of the people
Nicolaos Boy Greece -victory of the people
Oleg Boy Russia -holy
Olga Girl Russia -the holy one
Paul Boy Greece -small, humble
Richard Boy England -brave and strong
Robert Boy England -bright fame
Roger Boy England -a famous spearman
Sofia Girl Spanish -wisdom
Sonja Girl Norway -wisdom
Stephen Boy England -a crown or garland
Tatiana Girl Russia -from a clan name
Theodore Boy Russia -God’s gift
Victoria Girl England -the victorious one
Vladimir Boy Russia -great ruler
Vladislav Boy Russia -glorious rule
Wilhelmina Girl Germany -protector
William Boy England -resolute protector
Xenia Girl Russia -welcome

Probably more than you wanted to know :-)

10 Feb, 2013


I would like to know the key to this list. I like "Vladimir Boy Russia - great ruler" most of all. It doesn´t sound like medieval... Lol.

10 Feb, 2013


How about 'Chuck Borris'

11 Feb, 2013


Hi Steve! I will leave this name for dog persons in London, hahaha.

11 Feb, 2013


people in London probably would name him:
Chuck Borris son of John ;-)

11 Feb, 2013


Thank you, Kasy :)) Now what colour is created from blue and red?

Norris is alone already, as all his brothers and sister were sold yesterday to grocer with dogs (I do not know if this is correct term, but I would never ever give animals to these people). So I will probably go for him this weekend. A long journey - almost 400 km. I am looking forward to him so much :)

11 Feb, 2013


I dread to think what a English Grocer( a Grocer sells provisions) would do with dogs,

11 Feb, 2013


you're welcome Katarina.
Looking at my floristry colour chart I can see purple as the mixture of blue and red.
it's a long journey - hope your new friend likes traveling...

11 Feb, 2013


Bjs@maybe middleman is more suitable term??

11 Feb, 2013


Kasy@and I thought brown...well, purple is a royal colour.
I don´t like so long travelling in mountain areas, but we will be two on a way back, like Pi and his tiger in a lifeboat :))

11 Feb, 2013


green and red make brown katarina?

grocers, dogs ~ beefburgers, lasagne and horse it would seem Brian???

11 Feb, 2013


Aha,now i understand what Brian meant, haha, tank you Sticki. P.s. You are a good teacher :)

11 Feb, 2013



i try my best

11 Feb, 2013


You can also mix the primary colors: blue, red and yellow and that would make brown.

11 Feb, 2013


yes very true, in fact brown will usually and eventually be the result of any mix! did you have plasticine at school? that always ended up brown no matter what colour it started!!

11 Feb, 2013


Yes we did and I loved it. I liked also drawing, there were times when I was really thinking of architecture.

11 Feb, 2013


I liked it too ~ playdoh was fun too.

I think i mostly liked learning new creative ideas, i also liked geography.

11 Feb, 2013


If your "dog grocer" is what we call a "puppy farm" then you have indeed saved Boris (or whatever you decide to name him!) He looks great - Congratulations!

11 Feb, 2013


Sticki@ I didn´t like geogrpahy. I didn´t find anything creative on did?
Melchisedec@I think you are the closest to what I meant. Yes, those people buy puppies all over Slovakia and then sell them abroad, sometimes to labs. Terrible. I once assisted at accident on a highway as a physician and helped a guy to put cages back in car, when I saw all those little animal kids in ther own faeces, sad, tired and thirsty - immortal picture.
I hope Norris will be a good boy, otherwise I will commit suicide, lol.

11 Feb, 2013


i liked drawing the maps and the diagrams

kat dont say that ~ im sure Norris will be beautifully trained and behaved!

11 Feb, 2013


Katarina - it will be a big challenge for you... be gentle but be strong. Just remember now you'll be the head of his herd. lol
I used to have a german sheppard - so bossy as a puppy, trying to gain the control from a day one. It was a hard job to tell her that I am in charge not her.. lol.
So remember - spoil him, but to some degree, lol
at school I think my favourite subject was history - those dates were just sticking in my head by themselves, lol.

11 Feb, 2013


Yes, I like history very much, too. Strange, sometimes I thought that I came from medieval times. I was interested in herbs, hunting, old architecture, I liked to stay in old castles, its smell calmed me, I liked ride on horses and read hisotircal books. Once I wrote a sci fi about a battle of knights, described their armour, horses and the country where the battle was, I was around seven. When I was teenager I read a book about battle of Hastings - now I do not rememeber anything about it - but at that moemnt I was surprised to learn, that many details from my sci fi suited bvery well with historical facts. Who knows, we have it in family. My far nephew is a respected historian. He looks like medieval man, lol. He is author of several historical books published in Slovakia and Poland, too. Recently it was published thanks to Cracow. They say, that he is able to connected written artefacts in that way, that sooner or later it is proven by some other texts which are found.:))
Yes, youth was beautiful, as it was so colourful, so many possibilities and - dreams!

11 Feb, 2013


I was terrible at history - such a waste of what were probably very good lessons. I just never really understood that the people were real individuals, responding to events in their time. But I loved geography - especially the maps, Sticki! My son bought me a marvellous book for Christmas -"Map Addict"! That's me to a tee. I sometimes read the road atlas in bed... But I'm an excellent navigator as a result (- satnav? What satnav?) ;-)

13 Feb, 2013


This is question to Sticki or to me? °-)

13 Feb, 2013


Sorry, Katarina - it was a sideways comment to Sticki who had mentioned maps! (I was sitting with you on the bench in your garden, but leaning across to Sticki!!)

13 Feb, 2013


nicely explained melchi!

i shall look out for that book ~ sounds fascinating, i love maps but im useless at navigating. if only the roads were the same colour as they are on the map i would be fine!

13 Feb, 2013


Oh wow - that would require special glasses!

13 Feb, 2013



13 Feb, 2013


Lol! Signposts would leap out at you!

13 Feb, 2013


I wonder how would policemen look like if they stop you on a crossroad.

13 Feb, 2013


Frightening, I would think!

13 Feb, 2013


we havent got enough policemen to stop us on crossroads any more!!

leaping signposts might be helpful:
1. i wouldnt miss them
2. they would keep motorists awake!

13 Feb, 2013


They will be everywhere in the cabin of a car, lol.

13 Feb, 2013


They could appear in front of the back seat driver - if you're unlucky enough to have one of those!

13 Feb, 2013

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