Poorly Palm
By Stickitoffee

11 Feb, 2013
Im never quite sure how to treat this for the best, there are new leaves but also some that are dying.
What do you think Delonix? Do you know which type it is and how to treat it best, please?
Comments on this photo
Oh, ok, thanks Kasy, does this plant like lots of water or prefer to be dry?
11 Feb, 2013
I'd say let it dry out between watering and they like light but they don't like sunny windows.
11 Feb, 2013
ok, thank you, the treatment its had so far is fairly near what you have said but i couldnt work out the dead and dying leaves, thanks kasy, i shall spray it with water a lot more now though.
i must get some of the spray you recommend too ~ is it available in most GCs?
11 Feb, 2013
:) I think your little palm will be happy soon:)
thy spray is widely available - and you can use it in the garden as well. I always recommend this one:)
11 Feb, 2013
I can't copy that link, but it looks like Provado Ultimate Bug Killer, which is available in my local GC.
11 Feb, 2013
yes, it is... the link is horribly long...
11 Feb, 2013
yes thats what i thought it was, thanks karen, isnt that what you use for vine weevil too?
and im trying to remember what you told me to use on my heucheras?
11 Feb, 2013
i think its because its from an image ~ here is one of them
oh and look its from wilkinson !
11 Feb, 2013
uhm - the same one.
11 Feb, 2013
For the heucheras you want synthane, which is in 'fungus 'fighter' if my memory serves me, but please check first...it's either fungus fighter or 'rose clear'.
11 Feb, 2013
thanks karen, i got the above one now for the palm and probably lots of other things too!
11 Feb, 2013
those red spider mites are little b's they truly are!
11 Feb, 2013
there are a few unwanted pests in my garden! and now it seems inside too!
11 Feb, 2013
Oh Sticki, I am praying that the blackspot won't be as bad this year...I'm planning my first strategic attack with the sprayer as soon as anything (roses) sprouts it will be sprayed!
11 Feb, 2013
oh no ~ and then there is the lily beetle AND the slugs and and and........
winter might have its compensations!!!
11 Feb, 2013
looks like I have a little someone in my garden to help me with the slugs ;)
11 Feb, 2013
a hedgehog?
11 Feb, 2013
uhm:) remember my picture with a trail on snow? one day I heard something making noise under the pallets, so started to leave some food - and it's disappearing;-)
11 Feb, 2013
Yes, Kasy is correct, it's Chamaedorea elegans. This palm tolerates very low light; however, it is very susceptible to spider mites indoors. A good way to prevent spider mites in winter, is to use a systemic pesticide outdoors (in complete shade only) in late summer. The systemic will usually protect the plant for at least a year from any bugs. Keep the palm on the dry side in winter, also.
Another reason the fronds can dry is if it's too close to a heating vent. This palm will tolerate very dry air outdoor in shade; however, indoors it likes more humidity.
I grow several C. elegans palms in the ground, and about 20 species of Chamaedorea in my garden. Unfortunately, I know you can't grow them outdoors in the ground there in your climate. However, your palm should do well in shade outdoors in summer.
11 Feb, 2013
Thank you delonix, that's helpful, sounds like it will like a spell outside when it's mild, my garden is quite shady.
Maybe I should put it on some pebbles?
11 Feb, 2013
You're welcome. Yes, pebbles help with good drainage.
Here's a link of many species of Chamaedorea. Most of the photo posted are mine. It gives a perspective of how many Chamaedorea species are available here in San Diego and grow outside in our subtropical climate.
11 Feb, 2013
wow thats a long link!! but it works ~ very clever!
and what a beautiful plant ~ thats given me incentive to look after this one ~ thanks delonix ~ i love them, beautiful plants, just the type of plant i really like
11 Feb, 2013
I wish GoY had hot links. The links don't copy into the comment area very well.
Palms are very beautiful! I'm so lucky because many hundreds of species of palms grow outdoors in gardens here in San Diego. I have more than 100 species of palms in my front, side and back gardens.
12 Feb, 2013
Sticki , I have one just like yours , but it is probably too warm . I will try spraying it with water and give it a close inspection for mites , too .
12 Feb, 2013
i dont know about hot links delonix, not come across it, we often have problems with links to an image.
you must have lots of wildlife in your garden too with all that greenery?
i hadnt realised it might like to be misted with water driad, so i have started doing that now, i also got the provado spray which i will do at some point.
12 Feb, 2013
Hot links (or hyperlinks) are typically in blue on the internet...when you click on them it takes you to a website.
I get some critters in the yard, sometimes. I know we have coyotes, raccoons, skunks (are huge problems along with rats, yuck!) and feral parrots come into the large trees (Jacaranda, Norfolk Island Pine, and Southern Magnolia) the parrots are just noisy.
I don't get feral cats in the yard, because they're usually eaten by the coyotes. Mountain lions are big problems in some eastern county communities (thank goodness not my neighborhood) as they're numbers have really increased in the last 30 years. In the early 1970's the California Mountain Lion was almost hunted to extinction.
13 Feb, 2013
Ah, yes, I have seen those, thank you.
13 Feb, 2013
thanks homebird, if we ever get a summer i shall try that!
25 Feb, 2013
Sticki - have a hope, pleaseee... It must be a summer THIS year, lol
26 Feb, 2013
we are certainly due one kasy! lets hope so!
26 Feb, 2013
at least one after that horrible something we had last year...
nice spring would be good beginning to it I'd say;)
26 Feb, 2013
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I can help with the name - it's Chamaedorea Elegans. And the most common problem with it is a little, tiny b....r called spider mite. You won't see it as it is only visible under magnifying glass. And it lives under the leaves. I would suggest spraying it very well (specially underneath the leaf surface with chemical that deals with mites. I am happy with this:
sorry - tried to find something shorter - couldn't
spider mites like dry air - so keep spraying leaves.
11 Feb, 2013