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My puppy Loki


By Dwyllis

My puppy Loki

Loki has grown a bit since I last put up a photo of him at 13 weeks old. Here he is aged almost six months, relaxing in 'his' armchair with one of our cats. He now weighs over 60lbs & still has a lot of growing to do.

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Loki is growing well :o)

11 Feb, 2013


what a pretty puppy, he looks so soft :)

11 Feb, 2013


Loki looks like one of these two dogs dining in a busy restaurant:

11 Feb, 2013


I can see this link Katarina. This is one of my favorite videos. There are a few more similar :D

11 Feb, 2013


I roared with laughter when I saw this one yesterday. Very clever...

12 Feb, 2013


Loki looks like retriever...very soft beautiful white hair...reminds me...Neverending story, that fairy tale :)

12 Feb, 2013


Yes Katarina ....Golden Retriever. He does has beautiful soft fur ....& he is getting nice feathering on legs & tail. His little mate Jontay, our papillon, is a sweetie too ..will put up a photo soon. We are shortly adopting a young greyhound who broke his foot racing, & the end of his long tail, which had to be amputated last week .....just 3" off the end. He is 20 months old, so him & Loki should play well together. After this more dogs & no more cats ...that will be three of each!

12 Feb, 2013


Poor greyhound. If those racings are so dangerous for dogs, why they arenĀ“t forbidden? Russians brought to Eastern Europe about 20 years ago a new sport - dogs fighting. People, usually brutal looking men or even ex-criminals, make bets and watch dogs who fight in arena until one of the two is killed. Very often they use also cats and smaller dogs, which are used as program in "brakes". Officially it is forbidden, but in practice it goes on. Disgusting...

13 Feb, 2013


Dwyllis, That armchair will soon be starting to feel a little tight for Loki... It will be the sofa next! We had a Labrador puppy who adopted an old armchair in the study of our previous house, but when we moved here the layout of the house was totally different so she adopted the conservatory two seater and made that her bed!

13 Mar, 2013

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