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Allamanda 'Cherries Jubilee' - Cherries Jubilee Allamanda

Allamanda 'Cherries Jubilee' - Cherries Jubilee Allamanda (Allamanda 'Cherries Jubilee' - Cherries Jubilee Allamanda)

My Cherries Jubilee Allamanda looks horrible! It experienced cold-damage (not frost damage) which showed up a week and half later from the cold snap during the beginning of January. This past weekend we had a horrible hailstorm which knocked many leaves off. Even though, it looks terrible it will recover in a month or two. Photo taken Feb. 12, 2013.

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I hope it perks up soon ...
hail here today too ...

14 Feb, 2013


poor thing looks battered....hope it gets better soon..:-)

14 Feb, 2013


Thanks ladies! :>)

Terratoonie, did the hailstorm damage your plants?

The hailstorm lasted 1/2 hour. I've never ever seen a hailstorm last so long in my life! Some freeways and streets were closed because of the accumulation of hail. The weather starting in January has been very strange and unusual for San Diego.

My vine is actually starting to put out some new shoots. We are getting into some warmer weather...tomorrow is forecasted to be 80ºF (27ºC) here. I hope the warm weather stays around for a while!

15 Feb, 2013


Wow - it is not a happy plant at all! At least it'll recover.

21 Feb, 2013


No, it's not happy at all!!! Yes, it'll recover; however, if the winter was as warm as last year, it most likely would be still blooming. This winter since January has been much cooler than normal. Many of my plants are hating it! :>(

21 Feb, 2013

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This photo is of species Allamanda 'Cherries Jubilee' - Cherries Jubilee Allamanda.

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