Iris reticulata 'Pauline'
By Scotsgran

17 Feb, 2013
Comments on this photo
I have a lot of bulbs in pots this year because I was very late in planting them. There are 15 bulbs in there so they should last a week or two. I'm hoping I will be able to keep it going for a few years. There is no sign yet of the ones I grew in the front garden last year. Only Harmony is showing and one of its flowers has been torn to shreds by, I think, a bird.
17 Feb, 2013
That's a shame, Sg ... the Sparrows are shredding the yellow Crocus almost as soon as they've opened up and I keep hearing of Goyers who have the same problem. Much as I love the birds, I could do without the damage! I'm also now sure that many bulbs have been devoured and/or taken by a grey Squirrel ... :o(
17 Feb, 2013
I love the colour of these Sheila - another casualty of the floods here though!
17 Feb, 2013
I see there is another flower on the Harmony so I will give it a hat tomorrow. I got some small mesh plastic stuff and will cover a wire mesh hanging basket and put it over the poor plant. Like you I do everything possible to keep our feathered friends happy and this is how they repay us. Lol. If the plants were free flowering throughout the year it would be fine but they only last a week or so and are gone for another 12 months. Squirrels are forever pinching bulbs and replanting them elsewhere. You will have lost quite a lot in the floods you had Scottish so I hope that that is our lot for a few years. Climate goes in cycles so the sooner it is hot and dry the better.
18 Feb, 2013
So far so good - don't think the birds have done much damage here.
I hope you managed to rig up protection for yours. I noticed today that there are 2 small green tips just breaking the surface where Pauline was planted - could I be lucky twice!!!!
18 Feb, 2013
Do you remember Bulbaholic doing a survey to find out why retics were grown as annuals and not expected to comeback for a second year down in London while he can grow them as perennials no bother. It seemed as if it might be that they like a well drained site. I suppose now the water has gone your garden could be well drained. The flood water might not have been in contact with the bulbs long enough to rot them. I'll cross my fingers for the safe return of your Paulines.
18 Feb, 2013
That survey was before my time I think. Interesting that they don't expect them to come back for a 2nd year, especially as all the site I've read they are considered perennials.
Thanks for crossing your fingers for me :)
19 Feb, 2013
Lets hope they are coming up.
20 Feb, 2013
Pretty colour petals ..
Did you get more flowers in this pot ?
1 Mar, 2013
There are more showing but not out yet.
2 Mar, 2013
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Ooh, she's a gorgeous colour ...
17 Feb, 2013