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I found, that Norris wants to sleep in my bed.

I found, that Norris wants to sleep in my bed.

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Aw Kat! of course he does! how was the journey? is he wagging his tail?

21 Feb, 2013


He is wagging as big he is. He was sleeping all the journey home (almost 4 hours), so he was fresh when he arrived and tht is invasion. I wonder how to teach dog yo pee on only one place. He loves my hair, wants to be in bed and is listening to radio!!!! I am tired. He is still awake.

21 Feb, 2013


you are going to have so much fun [maybe not so much sleep though!]

i think encouraging him in what you want him to do by extravagant praise when he does what you want?

21 Feb, 2013


The only extravagant praise now is to be in my bed. Fortunately, now he is sleeping on a pink cushion on the floor. He is very friendly to all of us, I am surprised :))

21 Feb, 2013


bless him! ask lulu about how to train him ~ its a long time since i had a dog at home and she was already trained i think

21 Feb, 2013


how sweet :)

22 Feb, 2013


Sticki@He had vaccination on Monday against three conditionally mortal infections in puppies and he had warm and dry hooter, so I think he is little bit under stress now, poor baby.
I am going to make him rizotto with chicken and carrot, vet recommended it to me today :)))
He was sleeping by my side till 5 a.m. without problems:)) He lied on the back, with stretched back legs touching me and - to my surprise - didn´t snore!!!

22 Feb, 2013


oh katarina thats so sweet!
when my cat had to have vaccinations as a kitten she was a little bit 'under the weather' as we would say but normally perked up the next day!

he is going to have the life of a prince with you looking after him!

22 Feb, 2013


Bless him Kat, how can you resist that sweet face.

22 Feb, 2013


I can´t and that´s why my face is licked hundreds time per day, lol.

22 Feb, 2013


Lol we're going to hopefully get a dog soon too.

22 Feb, 2013


lucky you SL ~ what type are you after? or will the girls choose?

kat ~ could save you money on washing/hot water???

22 Feb, 2013


Lol Sticki, yes the girls will chose i think. :-)

22 Feb, 2013


SL@yes, I am also interested, what sort of dog did you choose? I initially wanted foxterier very much, but it has become quite rare breed here, so I found this one as sympathetic family member.
Unfortunately not, Sticki, as after each "kissing" I am going to the bathroom to wash my face :))

22 Feb, 2013


I'll post pics when we get one.

22 Feb, 2013


he is going to keep you very busy kat!

look forward to that SL

22 Feb, 2013


Oh yes, but we found today, that a good warm meal is the best way for succesful manipulation and making somebody obedient :)))

22 Feb, 2013


well worth knowing! he eats warm food?

22 Feb, 2013


Our vet recommended bland chicken with rice for my other dog when he was sick...sure didn't seem too sick when he ate a dish full in 1.5 seconds.
My dog loves to lick too, drives me nuts sometimes when I'm typing or trying to do something with my hands & he won't stop licking my hands. You learn to dodge the ones on the face :)

22 Feb, 2013


Yes, the same recommended vet to me today - rice with boiled carrot and bland chicken without skin. We gave him two spoons and he almost destroyed the bowl, lol. Now he lies on my right side and is watching moving letters and pictures on the computer screen...:)

22 Feb, 2013


Katarina sure looks cute,you know the saying start as you intend to go on.
As for being on your your bed depends,for certain he will become a lot heavier and you will have less bed.
We toilet trained Jamie with news paper.
You have had dogs before ,did you not have them as puppys,
You come over as a confident person why are you unsure about Norris.

22 Feb, 2013


aw computers for puppies! we are:


22 Feb, 2013


Bjs@I know, Brian, what you meant about bed. But it was his first night after a half day of travelling in a cage to unknown space. He was crying, so finished the day on my side in my bed. But today he tried to do the same, I waited until he had fallen asleep and then took him into his basket. This night he slept there (basket) without disturbing me till 6 a.m., then he woke, drank, eat, watched the cat and snow falling out of the window and played - he likes doors on the cage - he opens and closes it, lol.. Seems like he will be easily raised.
Thank you, Sticki, I will check those links.....:)

23 Feb, 2013


Dear Sticki, you are wonderful! I opened the second link and I saw what I never did: he stopped playing crazy, sat to my computer, listened, tilting his head on one side and in a one moment he started to lick the computer, lol. It calmed him, till it was at the end, he was drowsy and down on a belly :))))))))))))Incredible!

23 Feb, 2013


We are listening music....:)

23 Feb, 2013


That's funny kat!

I searched on YouTube when you said he liked the images on the screen! Next time you could video him!

23 Feb, 2013


What does he like.....Bach?

23 Feb, 2013


He liked the second video, it really made him good. But in the scond one he was frightened by clouds spreading on the screen towards him, he started to bark and hide behind

23 Feb, 2013


Oh dear, next time I better look for a sunny view!

23 Feb, 2013


:)) It is funny how he reacts to music, I didn´t notice in in cats. But since the very first day he has turned his head to my radio, so maybe he is some sort of audio personality :))) Now he is sleeping. Thank you once more.

23 Feb, 2013


He will be tired after his long journey! When will you be able to take him out for walks?

23 Feb, 2013


Not so soon. It was again snowing and we have got 30 cm of a new snow, so it is even hard for other animals to run in it.. He shouldn´t go out until he receive the third vaccination.

23 Feb, 2013


30 cm thats taller than Norris?!!!

23 Feb, 2013


Maybe you could see tops of his batman ears.

23 Feb, 2013


be like a shark's fin moving through the water!

23 Feb, 2013



23 Feb, 2013


Kat Norris is adorable ,he has already captured your heart :o))

27 Feb, 2013


I am on a business trip now and I almost cried in the morning when I was leaving him with parents. He was so piteously looking at me :-(

27 Feb, 2013


Ahhh I can imagine :o(

27 Feb, 2013

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