Blue Sky..You Are Still There!!!

3 Mar, 2013
Yes, this is my Viburnum Tinus, flowering it's heart out as every Spring, but, look what's in the background.yes, blue sky......We haven't seen more than a fleeting glimpse of it for some weeks down here in Essex, I began to wonder if it was still there behind the thick ,dark. Clouds....... but it's here today...whoopeeeeeee!!!
Comments on this photo
lovely Paul - had cracking day yesterday, sunny morning , cloudy now, but supposed to be good throughout tomorrow
3 Mar, 2013
I need if Paul...need to get some gardens done!
thanks, Louisa!
3 Mar, 2013
know what you mean PAul same here, bit of an easterly again a week after this :( about the 11th
3 Mar, 2013
Yes, freezing temps forecast for following week!
3 Mar, 2013
didn't realise that cold - I can't swear on here but you get the jist lol
3 Mar, 2013
Oh blow...or something like that Paul, I'm guessing! ha Ha.Yes, on a weather app on my IPad they forecast -2C in south east some night week comm 11th March!!! let's hope they're wrong!!
3 Mar, 2013
It's better than the last couple of winters, at least we've not seen -16 this year!
Paulthegardener - you're showing off now 'on a weather app on my IPad' I'm way too much of a technophobe to have a clue what that means!lol
3 Mar, 2013
Easy...just go to iTunes App Store on iPhone or iPad and select one ...If u have iPhone or takes your post code and gives forecast for that area.But,.....and here's the rub, it's no more accurate than the telly or audio...ha ha..why do I bother!!!!!
3 Mar, 2013
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Enjoy it while it lasts! Your Viburnum looks fab!
3 Mar, 2013