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Blue Sky..You Are Still There!!!

Blue Sky..You Are Still There!!!

Yes, this is my Viburnum Tinus, flowering it's heart out as every Spring, but, look what's in the background.yes, blue sky......We haven't seen more than a fleeting glimpse of it for some weeks down here in Essex, I began to wonder if it was still there behind the thick ,dark. Clouds....... but it's here today...whoopeeeeeee!!!

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Enjoy it while it lasts! Your Viburnum looks fab!

3 Mar, 2013


lovely Paul - had cracking day yesterday, sunny morning , cloudy now, but supposed to be good throughout tomorrow

3 Mar, 2013


I need if Paul...need to get some gardens done!
thanks, Louisa!

3 Mar, 2013


know what you mean PAul same here, bit of an easterly again a week after this :( about the 11th

3 Mar, 2013


Yes, freezing temps forecast for following week!

3 Mar, 2013


didn't realise that cold - I can't swear on here but you get the jist lol

3 Mar, 2013


Oh blow...or something like that Paul, I'm guessing! ha Ha.Yes, on a weather app on my IPad they forecast -2C in south east some night week comm 11th March!!! let's hope they're wrong!!

3 Mar, 2013


It's better than the last couple of winters, at least we've not seen -16 this year!

Paulthegardener - you're showing off now 'on a weather app on my IPad' I'm way too much of a technophobe to have a clue what that means!lol

3 Mar, 2013


Easy...just go to iTunes App Store on iPhone or iPad and select one ...If u have iPhone or takes your post code and gives forecast for that area.But,.....and here's the rub, it's no more accurate than the telly or audio...ha ha..why do I bother!!!!!

3 Mar, 2013

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