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Snowdrops in the new garden


By Meanie

Snowdrops in the new garden

Got a lot of Snowdrops in the new garden...............

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Were they a surprise Meanie ? I expect you have had a few things you didn't expect to see .....

5 Mar, 2013


Not too much of a surprise Amy.

I still have things popping up that I don't want to see - Hellebore foetida, Forget me Nots, really naff Daffs etc!

5 Mar, 2013


Keith, you made me smile...sounds heavenly to me! :)

5 Mar, 2013


Hellebore foetida - too damned invasive for my liking!
Forget me Nots - vile, invasive and just nasty to my eyes!
Really naff Daffs - there are good Daffs, and there are naff Daffs. I dipped out with the previous owners choice of Daffodil!

5 Mar, 2013


Oh Meanie just say how it is lol.. three of my pet hates also!!

5 Mar, 2013


masses of forget me nots here ~ do you want any more?

and naff daffs! new brand?

5 Mar, 2013


DD - There are some great Daffs, so why do people buy the dull as dishwater ones? As they open I'm executing them, although I hope that I'll come across something that I want such as "Yellow Cheerfullness" ( ), "Jenny" ( ) or "Rapture" ( ).

5 Mar, 2013


The masses are getting pulled on sight here Sticki!

Naff Daffs - maybe I'm just picky............

5 Mar, 2013 are soooo picky Keith! ......only joking!! I am also quite picky about my daffs. I only really like the tiny ones. I particularly like the cyclameneus ones, but boy, are they expensive! Forget me nots are lovely in a wild situation, but I wouldn't like them rampaging in my borders. I really really don't care for the great big trumpet daffs though, but I do love the scented jonquils, they are lovely!

5 Mar, 2013


you could put them in a bucket by your front door and sell them meanie ~ and use the money to buy the ones you like.

5 Mar, 2013


Karen - The Forget me Nots were slugging it out with the Day Lillies when I moved in Karen - now they're slugging it out with me!
There are some lovely Daffs to choose from!

ps; I hope that nobody is taking my "naff Daffs" comments personally!

5 Mar, 2013


"you could put them in a bucket by your front door and sell them meanie ~ and use the money to buy the ones you like."

The local scrotes would just nick 'em Sticki!

5 Mar, 2013


in victorian times there would have been something to help sort that out!!

5 Mar, 2013


Caught one taking a leak down the hatch to my cellar the other night - I just caught him as I took a leak out of the spare bedroom window!!!! He got lippy so I went out at which point he got less lippy and rediscovered his running legs..............

5 Mar, 2013


did you rediscover your running legs too? im laughing at this! its the sort of thing you see on you've been framed ~ or youtube!!!!!!!

5 Mar, 2013


Couldn't be assed. I was barefooted too and it was cold! I was so livid though. It was not the first time either, although I no longer leave the firewood below the hatch now.

5 Mar, 2013


little swine, i would be mad too! are you allowed to keep a catapult without a license?

5 Mar, 2013


Balloon water bombs?

6 Mar, 2013


LOL sorry Meanie I couldn't resist a chuckle at that ;o)) Forget me Nots are a nightmare here as well I'm forever hoeing them up .......

6 Mar, 2013


"little swine, i would be mad too! are you allowed to keep a catapult without a license?"

"Balloon water bombs?"

Doubt that he'll be back!

At least they're easily hoed/picked Amy!

6 Mar, 2013


job done then!

6 Mar, 2013


Hope so!

6 Mar, 2013


good luck!

6 Mar, 2013


Our grandsons have catapults they don't have a licence , they also have some of those water cannons as well ,perfect for what you want Meanie they are so powerful they would knock your little darlings into next week :o))

6 Mar, 2013


i could do with one of those water cannons, they sound great fun!

6 Mar, 2013


They are Sticki , the only problem is the windows all need cleaning after a session of them chasing each other round and round the house . Our son is the biggest baby encouraging and chasing the boys ,they come in soaked LOL

6 Mar, 2013


sounds like a lot of fun! i recently discovered e-cloths for cleaning glass ~ amazing!

6 Mar, 2013


We've invested in one of those K'archer window cleaners it's very good , what are e-cloths Sticki ? sounds like something electronic LOL ...

6 Mar, 2013


that looks like a handy gadget you have!

i know it sounds electronic but it isnt its a cloth but somehow it doesnt leave any streaks at all!

6 Mar, 2013


Sounds good to me Sticki where do you buy them ? I could do with one on of them for mirrors etc.

6 Mar, 2013


i sent you a pm amy

sorry meanie, not sure how we managed to get onto cleaning on your lovely snowdrop photo ~ must be cos they are so clean and bright!??

6 Mar, 2013


I buy Parazone in bulk for Sue, so I'm used to it!

13 Mar, 2013

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