The Garden Community for Garden Lovers shrub. Tomorrow... a rain forest!


By Mouldy shrub. Tomorrow... a rain forest!

Saved this wee guy, when the district council demolished the building behind my trellising.
Potted it up, gave it a short back and sides, then transplanted it this morning.
Don't know what it is, though.
Any ideas?

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i couldnt tell from this photo ~ lovely shape, i think from the closer photo its pieris ~ this might tell you more

9 Mar, 2013


Sticki, you're a diamond.

9 Mar, 2013


Trellis looks useful ..
what do you plan to plant there ?

9 Mar, 2013


;-) you are welcome!!

9 Mar, 2013


Oh, what have you folk unleashed?
Now I''ve discovered how to upload my pics, there'll be no stopping me.
Hi Terra!
Well, there's a passiflora & a honeysuckle in front of the plain brick wall, awaiting support.
I was thinking some convolvulus & nasturtium to accompany them.
The trellis has two climbing roses & I want to add a clematis (summer) & sweet peas.
What do you think?

9 Mar, 2013


Hi Mouldy ..
Honeysuckle ... you can buy evergreen ones as well...
nice :o)
Maybe include Jasminum nudiflorum .. to add a bit more winter colour ...

9 Mar, 2013


have you seen morning glory? its a bit like convolvulus but stunning colours, doesnt seem to like my garden [which is shady] but im sure it will love the open space you have.

honeysuckle will be so lovely ~ evening scent?

oooh sweet peas ~ gorgeous

9 Mar, 2013


Cobaea scandens, the cup and saucer plant...easy to grow from seed, annual climber!!

9 Mar, 2013


Well, I know the honey is called 'Scentsation' I should have checked, shouldn't I Sticki?
The convulsion is a mixture.
I have to say, Terra, that a B&Q superstore has put two small, local nurseries out of business.
My choices were limited, with planting time running out, so I grabbed what I could from said villians &, dare I say it...Lidl's. Lol.

9 Mar, 2013


It is 'luck of the draw' with Lidl ...
... some plants very good.. some not ...
a pity about the local nurseries no longer operating ..

9 Mar, 2013


Cheers Paul.
I'll have to have a browse around the site shops.
Are they any good?

9 Mar, 2013


have you got a morrisons near you mouldy?

9 Mar, 2013


No longer, Sticki.
It sold out to the Co-op, who sold out to BM. Oh, yeah, Terra, that's another one of my suppliers. Lobelia, sweet peas, wire, plant tags, etc. Lol.

9 Mar, 2013


thats a shame :-(

9 Mar, 2013

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