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Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' and Blechnum gibbum (Dwarf Fijian Tree Fern)

Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' and Blechnum gibbum (Dwarf Fijian Tree Fern) (Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' and Blechnum gibbum)

My Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' was in my house for a year and hated it! It had always grown outdoors and looked wonderful! Now, it's outdoors to stay. Photo taken Mar. 19, 2013.

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It is isn't it?

20 Mar, 2013



I love the dwarf Fijian tree fern, also! :>)
It's a very common small tree fern here in San Diego, in shady areas, with lots of water.

20 Mar, 2013



It's my favorite dwarf tree fern! :>)

20 Mar, 2013


I can see why too......

23 Mar, 2013


It's used widely in shady spots. It's a very cheap fern here in San Diego.

23 Mar, 2013

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This photo is of species Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' and Blechnum gibbum.

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