Chamaedorea klotzschiana and Philodendron 'Brazil'
By Delonix1

22 Mar, 2013
My C. klotzschiana palm has grown very well over the years. It popped up in one of my other potted palms about 10 years ago. The Philodendron 'Brazil' is growing wild...not sure what I'm going to do with it, as it sticks to everything like ivy! Photo taken Mar. 19, 2013.
Comments on this photo
Thanks! :>)
22 Mar, 2013
I'll wait for the answer to say anything... lol!
29 Mar, 2013
Marguerite; Aleyna:
The C. klotzschiana palm is in the middle of the photo with the emerging fronds. The Philodendron 'Brazil' is on the left side of pic with the variegated leaves.
29 Mar, 2013
Hi there Delonix,
You can set a stick of coconut straw and make it get twisted around itself
29 Mar, 2013
This vine was starting to stick on to the house and I removed it. I'm actually going to put a trellis on the backside of this shade structure and plant the vine into the ground so it can travel upwards on the trellis. The pot it's in dries out too quickly.
Thanks for the photo! :>)
29 Mar, 2013
I have the Philo..and it did stick like glue to the indoor wall. A mistake to let it climb..but it looked so cool on the white wall.
5 Sep, 2014
You have Philodendron 'Brazil' ? It's a pretty fast growing vine. I cut it back drastically when the house was painted. It's still in a pot, though. Never got the trellis. LOL! :>)
6 Sep, 2014
Yes ,P.'brazil'. It looked artistic really the way the leaves grew in near perfect overlapping shingles. Only when I didn't water for 2 or 3 months...then the lower leaves fell off marring the whole look. It needs to be re done.
When you put a potted plant where its hard to water it? It catches up to you- lol. And the plant.
10 Sep, 2014
When it's cut back it'll rejuvenate the plant. It does like a lot of water outdoors.
11 Sep, 2014
Delonix,if you let one stem climb a flat wall,I think you would enjoy seeing that shingle look. After that,I cant take the blame if you cant remove it- wink.
12 Sep, 2014
I think I have a picture of it doing that. I just remembered. I haven't posted pics on GOY,since they seem to be too large when I tried. Rejected!
13 Sep, 2014
I would never let my P. 'Brazil' climb up the wall. It would be like trying to pry ivy off the the wall. LOL!
I'll have to take a look at your photos.
15 Sep, 2014
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This photo is of species Chamaedorea klotzschiana and Philodendron 'Brazil'.
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