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Brugmansia - Angel's Trumpets

Brugmansia - Angel's Trumpets (Brugmansia - Angel's Trumpets)

My tallest Angel's Trumpets tree has peach-colored flowers. This Angel's Trumpet is more than 15ft (4.6m) tall. Photo taken Mar. 25, 2013

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Very nice Delonix. Do you feed your shrubs regulary?

26 Mar, 2013


No. I really should give them more fertilizer, as Angel's Trumpets are heavy feeders. I will feed my Plumerias, though. I want them to bloom heavily.

26 Mar, 2013


Ours are flowering inside our porch......

26 Mar, 2013


They are good bloomers in winter. This is the 4th or 5th time blooming since fall. It'll bloom in summer but not look so great!

27 Mar, 2013


I just wish we had more room, but we have three different ones, although the orange has been very slow to flower.

29 Mar, 2013


Yes, we all need more room! :>)

Is it orange or red? I've never seen orange, but I've seen red (Brugmansia sanguinea). Brugmansia sanguinea grows to tree-like proportions here in California.

29 Mar, 2013


Well it is more orange/red here, it is sanguinea it grows well, but no flowers, perhaps this year?

2 Apr, 2013


It is Brugmansia sanguinea, I was curious.

Angel's Trumpets are extremely common shrubs/trees here...and there's so many varieties. Right now, my backyard in the evening in so fragrant with the sweet scent of Angel's trumpets flowers.

3 Apr, 2013


Would not do for me unfortunately, I suffer with severe hay fever all spring /summer although I love perfumed plants, I have to smell them before I take my meds because after that I can longer smell the perfume.....:-(

6 Apr, 2013


I've been suffering (major) with allergies (hay fever) since the middle of February. For some reason this year is extremely bad for hay fever.

The Angel's Trumpets don't bother me as much, as they have their very strong fragrance at night when most allergens are very low.

7 Apr, 2013


How odd for you to suffer this year, I have suffered since I was a child, a right pain it is, especially for a gardener lol

7 Apr, 2013

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