Spring Pot

29 Mar, 2013
This pot has taken so long to get going and is still not as nice as I'd hoped ! the crocuses have never fully opened(well, maybe one day but some have died back without ever opening)
Comments on this photo
Pots of colour are much needed at the moment when everything else in the ground seems to be at a standstill.
Pretty, spring colours.
29 Mar, 2013
Thanks Mouldy and Wildrose.
Mauves, blues, yellows and maybe whites create great combinations, Mouldy, in my humble opinion!!!
30 Mar, 2013
it looks a lovely display Paul, much better than what i could do!
30 Mar, 2013
Crikey, can you text a bit slower, Paul, I'm trying to scribble this all down.
That's using a pen & paper, for those of you born post decimal. Lol.
31 Mar, 2013
Ha ha.....I'm afraid I fall within that category Mouldy! 12 when the new tangled money came in!!!!!
Thanks Summerbreeze......just stuck a few bulbs and Pansies etc in a pot ...couldn't really go wrong, could I ?
31 Mar, 2013
I was about the same age, if I remember correctly, Paul, but I'm going down the tried & trusted route for cheap laughs, mate.
Green comedy.
Recycled jokes!
Mind you the 'scribble' line is original.
Alright, who boo-ed? Lol.
1 Apr, 2013
Nothing wrong with old jokes, Mouldy.If you wait long enough you can tell them to youngsters who think they're new.In fact, my comedian son, slips the odd old line in his act sometimes and they get the best laughs from young comedy club audiences who never heard them first time round because they weren't born..ha ha!
1 Apr, 2013
Kids often wonder how I know the words & tunes to 'new' pop songs, which is even funnier, when you consider this time around is maybe the song's 5th or 6th release...with 2 or 3 of those before I was a twinkle in my mother's eye! Lol.
3 Apr, 2013
Oh yeh.my boy and his froend were in my car a few years back and I had Rod Stewart album and hand bags and glad rags came on.the friend, Toby, said why did Rod Stewart cover aSteriophonics song?even my boy laughed!
3 Apr, 2013
Same with clobber.
I asked my mum, when I was about 28, who the fella in the photo was.
Long curly hair, wide lapelled-bell bottomed suit, kipper tie, platform shoes & floral shirt.
Oh, she said, that was you at 17!
And it was. =-O
20yrs later & Scooby duo hits the big screen & the kids start wearing the gear all over again. Deja vu. Lol.
8 Apr, 2013
My youngest loves old style retro clothes.He goes to Brick Lane in East End occasionally and buys old 70 gear! When we cleared my mother in law's bungalow out 2 yrs ago when she died, she still had father in law's clothes(he'd passed away 8 yrs before) and my so. Asked his mum and aunts of it would be ok if he had grandad's suit(he loved his grandad) and he still has it.He's probably worn it half a dozen times.Makes me laugh cos it was the suit father in law wore to my wedding....big lapels, hue check pattern.ha ha..If you hold onto long enough, it may come back not fashion!!!!!!
10 Apr, 2013
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Cracking display for all that, Paul!
I've discover I love to see purples & yellows together, but will try to resist going overboard with that combo.
Well, maybe just a few. ;-)
29 Mar, 2013