By Irene24

1 Apr, 2013
This is what it looked like
Comments on this photo
Allyour hard work will be repaid once your garden starts developing;0)
5 May, 2013
By Irene24
This is what it looked like
Allyour hard work will be repaid once your garden starts developing;0)
5 May, 2013
Hi Irene, welcome to GoY! So this is their new fence on the left and they've left this in a channel between you? How amazing! You have been busy clearing it up, which way does it face?
As Louise says maybe some shrubs would do well, weigelas, lavateras, spireas, once established they wouldn't need much looking after.....the Lavatera is a quick grower, but easy to prune and worth the beautiful pink open flowers that cover it all summer.
I agree with Ivy and Honeysuckle, I have both covering Walls in my garden. You could try pyracantha, which has White blossoms in spring and orange, red or yellow berries in the autumn which the birds love. You would have to tie it in though.
1 Apr, 2013