OLD Oak tree!
By Lulu33

3 Apr, 2013
In the Savernak forest.
Comments on this photo
thats fabulous! i thought of Robin Hood!
3 Apr, 2013
Its called The Big Bellied Oak and is 1,000 years old!
3 Apr, 2013
must have seen a few sights!!
3 Apr, 2013
My name Rebekah from Alaska and I like trees!!! flagged
3 Apr, 2013
OOOOer Lou, have you seen the above message?
Love the tree by the way, it's amazing. Think you could delete this photo and put it back on again if you know what I mean?
4 Apr, 2013
OOOOOer yes I have GM! Flagged it!
Might repost the tree pic! Ps, couldn't resist....mowed the lawn!
4 Apr, 2013
brilliant tree & photo Lulu, I can see the Ent face, can I have a photoshop play with it please ?????
4 Apr, 2013
awesome tree..how old?
by the way..i also hope that you are physically and healthy alright hahahaha..
4 Apr, 2013
1,000 years Skips. There's an old belief that if anyone dances naked around it the devil will appear. But I think it's far too cold for that!
Am very well thanks.
Bampy, (lol, spell check called you batboy!!!) of course you can.
4 Apr, 2013
I flagged it also Lulu, she has been on homebirds as well
4 Apr, 2013
spellcheck was being kind Lulu, its called me much worse ;-)
Ok, I'll have abit of fun with the Ent.
(it's not the devil that appears when you skinnybop round the tree, more likely the police - - - or the local ornithological group with bins n scopes, oooerr !! LOL !! )
4 Apr, 2013
Congrats Lou, you were brave, we have had loads more snow today :( bet you are pleased with the grass now?
4 Apr, 2013
Bit near the road to dance naked Lulu but all the best, can you park? ; )
4 Apr, 2013
Very pleased with my smart cut lawn! May go a bit brown after the frost but will soon be AB k to normal.
It IS ever so close to the road Stevie! May go splat whilst skinny bopping!
4 Apr, 2013
amazing , Wow!
5 Apr, 2013
Looks like it was 'crowned' (Royal pollard for oak planks) a few hundred years ago. :-(
Can you imagine how it would have looked, if left to grow?
It's still magnificent, though.
It's got a jolly face. :-)
8 Apr, 2013
Funny now some of the oldest oaks are much shorter than all the younger ones. Wonder if its a different species? There are two ancient oaks at Glastonbury called Gog and Magog, they are short too with very thick trunks.
8 Apr, 2013
We volunteered to go round measuring and recording old trees once a long time ago ,I seem to remember each 3ft round the base was 100 years it was a long time ago I might be wrong !
I wonder if the locals use to pollard them to use the oak for furniture etc. that would make them squat ..
8 Apr, 2013
No folks.
They were pollarded by the king's navy agents for shipbuilding, pure & simple.
Anyone else who did so was pollarded, themselves.
Apt, don't you think?
The greatest navy the world has ever seen & all built of the finest English oak.
One chap, in Moor Park in Herts, was done to death by the king.
His wife was related to the king, somehow & her revenge was to order that the several thousand oaks on her late husband's estate (Moor Park) be pollarded, then chopped up, otherwise the English navy would have been greater.
(Mouldy steps off his recycled plastic soapbox). Lol.
9 Apr, 2013
Thank you Mouldy for that excellant piece of history info. it's amazing what you learn on here ... I should have known that ! my father was a timber buyer ,maybe that is why I suggested Pollarding above something of what he told me must have sunk in LOL ......
9 Apr, 2013
I worked at Moor Park for a while & delved into it's past history, which is quite amazing, then used the library for verification.
Same story kept turning up.
Pollarded oaks & the navy, regardless of where in England.
Any done in the following centuries were due to disease, age or looks.
Been carrying that around in my head for about 30 yrs. Lol.
10 Apr, 2013
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Good grief that is old ,it reminds me of the Enks in the Hobbits , I can just see it walking up the road !
3 Apr, 2013