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Plants Safely In The Porch:-)

Plants Safely In The Porch:-)

All moved from the dining room still more to come:-)

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This reminds me of myself Ba...I have these shelves all over the place...:>)

21 Apr, 2013


Glad they are all tucked up,Ba..these shelves are so handy ,aren't they?I would be lost without mine...they all look very healthy :o)

21 Apr, 2013


Hi Motinot, I'm afraid these are getting a bit rickety and rusty, might have to buy new ones:-)

21 Apr, 2013


Did you get yours from Wilkinsons too Bloomer?:-)

21 Apr, 2013


They are looking healthy Bg , you are going to be busy planting them all out :o)

22 Apr, 2013


I am Amy, must try and be patient:-)

22 Apr, 2013


Busy lady Ba, your not starting your own stall on Walsall market are you.?

26 Apr, 2013


What a lot you got Ba! Ha ha Stroller, I was just thinking the!

28 Apr, 2013


It's an idea:-) I'm going to plant out the hardy ones today, the sun's shining:-))

30 Apr, 2013


Hi Ba,the sun is shining here too,but we had a touch of ground frost overnight,so mine will have to wait ..I don't have any hardy ones to plant out,so it could be another month yet:o( You just want to get on with things,don't you? ..I can't even pot some up into planters,as I've nowhere to keep them...pots are still in the loft !

30 Apr, 2013


Cold here too overnight, nice day promised tomorrow....don't you have a kind neighbour with a greenhouse?:-)

30 Apr, 2013


I have two mini growhouses , !'m managing ok..and yes,my neighbour has a greenhouse..I keep forgetting he said I could use it anytime..he only keeps empty pots in it ! He is 83,and had it bought for his 80th birthday..but sadly,a gift he didn't really want,but they insisted !

3 May, 2013


He'd probably enjoy your company as you looked after your plants too. Does he live alone? I've planted up a massive basket, it took a 15 ltr bag of compost. I bought some of those plasticky pots from Malvern a couple of years ago which are supposed to be easy to plant up, which they are, but not easy to stop the compost falling through the holes, even after the latticed thingummy is fixed in to block the holes. It's suspended from a beam in the garage. The garage has a roof which lets quite a lot of light in, that corrugated stuff. After watering it, it weighs a ton ....visions of big beam breaking :-))

3 May, 2013

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