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Fritillaria Michailovskyi

Fritillaria Michailovskyi

Pot of four bulbs planted 5.12.12.

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Wow! Sheila those are gorgeous!!

27 Apr, 2013


This is one of my most favourites.

27 Apr, 2013


I have just looked at the "Who else is growing this plant" and I see you grow it Pcw. I also noticed from what some are saying it does not appear to be long lived or is it one that likes a moist but well drained site.

27 Apr, 2013


Mouldy listens attentively.

28 Apr, 2013


I can lose it after it's flowered but that may be because it's always been outside.My bulb book says rich,loose gritty soil.

28 Apr, 2013


Very sweet!

28 Apr, 2013


There does seem to be a lot of different reasons for it disappearing. This is the first time I have tried it and it has that typical foxy scent. Plant world seeds advises growing outdoors in a pot or in a moist free draining area. It also advises that heat can stop germination. I will keep you posted.

28 Apr, 2013


Foxy, as in fox, Scotsgran, or as in ''Ding-dong!"
This is a serious question, incidently.
I'm currently chasing off foxes, so don't want to encourage them.

28 Apr, 2013


As in four legged foxes Mouldy.

28 Apr, 2013


Sigh...I do like them a lot, but they'll have to be scratched off my list.

29 Apr, 2013


I don't know if they would attract or repel real foxes maybe someone else will know.

29 Apr, 2013


Then I'll look into it at a later date, but at the moment I'm thinking that it hardly seems fair to the foxes to be chasing them off one minute, then encouraging them the next. Lol.

29 Apr, 2013


Actually I have to apologise, the scent was coming not from the flowers, but the foliage of a different frit. Fritillaria Imperialis Rubra.

29 Apr, 2013


Good, I'll avoid that one, unless it proves to repel foxes. Lol.
Thanks, Scotgran.

29 Apr, 2013


DK about foxes. It is said to repel mice, moles and deer but I don't suppose the last one would be a nuisance in your garden.

29 Apr, 2013


Oh, not in the back court with the foxes around, that's for sure, but if I cross the street out the front there's a graveyard & behind that there's a park, seldom visited by folk, since they pulled down several towerblocks of flats (Making room for the Commomwealth games) & there are deer residing there that sometimes venture into the graveyard.
Wee, timid things.
Seeing a photo on one of Stickitoffee's pages, the deer I've seen look to be the same. Monckjac, I think.
Deer, foxes, kites, kestrels...all I need is a badger for the full sett. Lol.

1 May, 2013


As long as it does not make its sett in your garden. They are a protected species.

1 May, 2013


This is very pretty - I have just been given a pot of snake's head fritillaries by my sister. Now they are over, I have planted them down in the wild area. I hope they'll return - I've never had any success with the bulbs.

1 May, 2013


Fingers crossed for you Melc. They seem to have been very successful this year around the country. I think it must be that they do like the moist conditions.

1 May, 2013


I shall try not to let them dry out while they are still showing. Keep the fingers crossed!

1 May, 2013


I haven't told the neighbours about the foxes, as they'd probably set their dogs on them, sadly.
Years ago, in a place I worked, there was a a den & a sett no more than fifty yards from each other.
The only squabbles were among the cubs, who'd mix.
I'll add my good wishes, too, Melchisedec!

2 May, 2013


Thanks, Mouldy!

2 May, 2013


You're most welcome, Melchisedec. :-)

2 May, 2013


nice looking plant this is. from jane.

25 Jun, 2013


Thanks Jane. I have my fingers crossed that they come back next year. I had loads of bulbs in pots this year now I will have to plant them out in the garden.

26 Jun, 2013


all best the with planting out !!!

26 Jun, 2013

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