Ariseama tubers
By Seaburngirl

29 Apr, 2013
Victoria's choice; she liked the plants on display so at 2 for £5 each I capitulated. though they will be grown in pots and she has too look after them.
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as long as she does look after them and not leave them to 'poor old mum'. :o)
30 Apr, 2013
Moongrowers favourites I think.
30 Apr, 2013
I thought it was an old photo of me you'd managed to unearth, Sbg. ;-)
1 May, 2013
no mouldy; my oh says its my early morning reflection haha
1 May, 2013
The middle thingy looks like a toothless troll with one eye missing.
I need to get out more! Lol.
2 May, 2013
that actually made me laugh out loud Mouldy. a rare event at times :o)
2 May, 2013
Then my job here is done!
(Mouldy heads off in search of another mirthless life to enhance). LOL.
2 May, 2013
2 May, 2013
Make sure Daughter googles and reads there needs especially in winter .pots can be a problem
2 May, 2013
I heard a talk on Arisaemas recently and I imagined they were garden plants. I know the Arisaema specialist brings his plants to the shows in pots but he recommended growing them in the garden.
2 May, 2013
She has already been primed and is actually checking the pots on a daily basis. I will have to clear a bit of the shady part to plant them in the ground. along with some hardy orchids i bought last night at our hps meeting.
3 May, 2013
They will be easier to look after as garden plants.
3 May, 2013
That's what I thought Scotsgran :o)
3 May, 2013
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This photo is of species Arisaema speciosum.
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This photo is of "Arisaema speciosum" in Seaburngirl's garden
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These are so unique. She will be proud to grow them.
29 Apr, 2013