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Primula vulgaris Innisfree

Primula vulgaris Innisfree (Primula vulgaris)

For my records

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I like the copper leaves - they set off the flowers really well.

7 May, 2013


Another for faves. Lol.

8 May, 2013


Thanks Chris and Mould - I rather like it. It really stands out in the border.

9 May, 2013


Primulas are incredibly varied, I'm finding.
And tough.
Mine are flowering again!

9 May, 2013


Very tough plants and before you know it they are easily divided. I very rarely buy any more than one plant at a time! It's recommended to lift and divided every couple of years.
I divided a plant from my brothers garden in December (not the best time) but I now have 18 flowering plants from it!

9 May, 2013


Thanks for the info, Scottish!
I originally thought it was an annual & was going to hoick mine out, after the frost & slugs had devastated them, but read on someone's page that they just left them in situ, so decided to leave best alone.
Glad I did now, as at least three have re-flowered & now, thankr to you, I find I can divide them.
Presumeably, I wait for them to grow larger first?

9 May, 2013


Yes. I'd leave them this year and if they come through next spring the clumps will be bigger and easy to divide. You can see where each 'crown' is on the plant. You just split each one off. I tend to use my hands to tease them apart but there's probably a correct way of doing with a bit more care. If the clumps are huge then I usually slice through with a spade. Again probably not the correct way but it works for me :) Plants them in the ground. They will probably look horrid for a few weeks then new growth will start. Bob's yir mammys brother!

9 May, 2013


So you know ma uncle Boaby. Lol.
Your plants have obviously survived, so I'll use the same method to split mine next year.
I bought a lavender last week that had outgrown it's pot, so I tore it in two except for one large connecting root, which required cutting & potted them up & they seem ok.

11 May, 2013


We aw ken yir uncle boaby Mouldy ;)
I didn't think you could do that with lavenders Mouldy - I hope it works for you :)

11 May, 2013


Nobody told me you couldn't.
Trial & error, I guess, but it felt right.
Just have to wait & see.

12 May, 2013

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This photo is of "Primula vulgaris Innisfree" in Scottish's garden

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