It's a Beautiful Poppy But....

29 May, 2013
It wasn't open when I did my blog of close ups whilst the sun shone on Monday. this one self seeded here under my big conifer.Very little grows here as the soil is so dry but the pink hardy geranium does and so does this and although they don't really go(colour wise ) , I don't have the heart to remove it!
Comments on this photo
Ha ha...I'm off to try and cut a couple lawns before the rain comes again(if it s dry enough after yesterday's all day deluge)
29 May, 2013
pretty colours there, Paul :o)
29 May, 2013
Is this the Welsh Poppy,Paul? I have let mine run riot this year,along with yellow ones,in a long border..fills all the gaps,even where I don't want in the centre of other plants :o)..I have those Geraniums them as well ..
29 May, 2013
Not sure Bloomer......I sowed a few from a pack of seeds that came with a magazine, years ago and only 2 came up but they have since self seeded! I can't remember what it was called! It's only a few inches high!
Thanks Tt
29 May, 2013
It probably isn't then,Paul,as they are taller than that..but a very similar flower..pretty one anyway :o)
29 May, 2013
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There all beautiful Homebird....what was the old song??
"Everything is beautiful in it's own way" ...showing my age now, ha ha!!!!
29 May, 2013