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Jacaranda and African Tulip Trees Blooming

Jacaranda and African Tulip Trees Blooming (Jacaranda, African Tulip trees)

I love when my giant Jacaranda, African Tulip trees bloom at the same time. Photo taken May 31, 2013.

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thats amazing ~ a very summery picture!

31 May, 2013



31 May, 2013



Thanks! Yes, it's starting to feel like summer. The temps are is very warm and tomorrow is suppose to be very hot.

31 May, 2013




31 May, 2013


Guess what it's really warm and sunny here too! Around 17 degrees C

1 Jun, 2013



I think we have a very different perception of what we consider "really warm". LOL! :>) (My morning low temp was 64ºF (18ºC).

Today the high temp here in inland San Diego is going to be 90ºF (32ºC) or possibly warmer.

1 Jun, 2013


I thought that would make you smile! Good thing we are used to it isn't it!? But you can't blame us for moaning either!?

32 is too hot for me.......well I imagine it is but I have never been in that sort of temperature, unless you count the sauna? But I only stay in there for 5 minutes!

1 Jun, 2013


Yes, that made me smile. :>)

The temp here never made it up to 90ºF (32ºC) was a nice cool 78ºF (26ºC).

3 Jun, 2013


Did you need to wear a fleece in that cool temperature?

I was in a t was a balmy 18 - very nice although it felt quite warm in the afternoon, I was in London and I think the heat tends to build up more there?

4 Jun, 2013


I don't own any fleece. LOL! :>)

Most likely in the sun the heat index in much hotter than the actual official temperature there.

Here in San Diego, the sun intensity and uv index is always very high because of being at 32º latitude. In the sun the temperature can feel more than 20ºF higher than the actual official temperature. The meteorologist are starting to give the heat indices in the sun now, which never used to be done (it was always measured in the shade). It's because so many people have heat-related illnesses. Every year people faint or have to be take to the hospital even with temps as low as 88ºF (31ºC) because in the sun with humidity it feels more like 105ºF (41ºC) [to your skin or body] or much higher!

4 Jun, 2013


do you own a coat at all? ;-))

sounds much more sensible to give the actual temperature ~ if you are out in the sun thats the temperature you need ~ not what it might be in the shade!! odd how they do these things but good thing they have seen sense!

4 Jun, 2013


Yes, it does. All official temps are records at about 5ft height in shade. This is how it's always been. Solar radiation can make temps much hotter and especially in reflected against a house or building. This is why my back yard which facing south, feels like 120ºF (48.9ºC) in the late summer and fall. I can't work in my back yard during the day, during summer and fall, it's just too hot!

Yes, I do own a two coats. I rarely used them, though. We mostly just use light windbreakers during winter here in San Diego.

5 Jun, 2013


you certainly live a world away from me! i rarely go out without a coat! and its never too hot in my back garden!

5 Jun, 2013


Yes, we definitely live in very different climates. :>)
I rarely, if ever use a coat when I go out. I do keep a windbreaker in the trunk of my car just in case, though.

It's always too hot in my back garden...well, not when the sun goes down! LOL! :>)

6 Jun, 2013

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This photo is of species Jacaranda, African Tulip trees.

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