By Lemondog
- 12 Jun, 2013
lots of plants of this in flower together, looks good but will dig up and plant new irises this year
Comments on this photo
Thanks Klahnie
12 Jun, 2013
13 Jun, 2013
Why would you like to dig them out Lemondog? More variety? I think it looks very attractive as is.
13 Jun, 2013
I need the room for my newer ones to expand and to make room for new ones, i only have a small garden and not much of it is suitable for growing bearded irises
15 Jun, 2013
I see :-)
15 Jun, 2013
I have several iris that are getting to be too big. Any
advice on how to divide them?
22 Jun, 2013
yes, when they are not flowering well, it is time to divide them, now is a good time after flowering or some people prefer september. Dig as much root out as you can and lift the whole plant onton the grass or flat surface. You will see a large rhizome in the middle with little ones comin off. The middle is discarded and the little arms are new plants. The plants will come away easily with a bend, plant out the plants in a sunny postion, making sure the rhizomes are above the soil line. Make sure you hovw reduced the foilage to prevent moisture loss and water well. Keep your eye on them until established, hope this helps, Lemondog.
23 Jun, 2013
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This photo is of "Bearded Iris Tuscany" in Lemondog's garden
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