Acalypha wilkinsiana 'Musaica'/ Angel's Trumpet 'Super Nova'
By Delonix1

16 Jun, 2013
My Copper leaf and Super Nova Angel's trumpets are looking very well together. Photo taken June 15, 2013.
Comments on this photo
Beautiful :)
16 Jun, 2013
Palmate, thanks! :>)
16 Jun, 2013
Thanks! :>)
16 Jun, 2013
ooooh!! lovely!!
I have never tried to grow one of these, but my neighbour had a pinky one a couple of years ago that was loaded just like this beauty. I haven't seen that she has got it now unless she has moved it from where it was. I shall have to ask her.
16 Jun, 2013
I have many varieties in my front and back yards. They bloom and look best in the middle of winter. It typically doesn't look very nice in the middle of summer (it's too hot!).
17 Jun, 2013
Of course Delonix - yours would be in the garden, we usually have to have them growing in pots here!
17 Jun, 2013
Yes, all the varieties and species of Brugmansia are grown in private gardens and parks.
Here's a few photos of one growing in Balboa Park.
17 Jun, 2013
Looks really good Palmate
16 Jun, 2013