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Mock orange - Philadelphus

Mock orange - Philadelphus (Philadelphus)

still blooming

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Mine has just started! :))

27 Jun, 2013


This blooms in stages for me this year Michaela. I have some blooms which are long gone and still many buds.

27 Jun, 2013


Lovely. For How long does it bloom ?

29 Jun, 2013


Seems like for ever this year. Still have lots of buds. I always thought that it put all the flowers at ones but not this year. Strange year.

29 Jun, 2013


something I wish I could pretty. I was surprised to see that you grow aegopodium...I love the stuff and had a lot of it in my last garden. Especially around the foundation of the house...that and Japanese Spurge with mint and old girl, Mandy, used to love to pick out a lush spot and flop down for a cool snooze!

1 Jul, 2013


I love this plant as well. The smell is intoxicating. As for Aegopodium is very invasive here as well... We are keeping it in check just in this area. It looks very pretty with the variegated leaves. I grow mint as well and now that you have mentioned it they would indeed look great together.

1 Jul, 2013

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