By Liasciubba

27 Jun, 2013
Comments on this photo
Where is this? Surely not in Liverpool?
28 Jun, 2013
28 Jun, 2013
It's the gate of Strwberry fields wich was a strawberry farm
before the rich owner devolved it for orfans, Lennon was not orfan but he had permission to play in the field, now the old building hs been demolito and there a modern one.
the old one looked like the Dakota building in NY were he moved and were he was shooted by his killer.
They say that Yoko went there with Sean and that she returnd nightwhile to trow some ofJohn's ashes in the field!
If you go to Liverpoll you can take the FAB FOUR TOUR that
take for a two hours in all the Beatles places, very nice expirience!
28 Jun, 2013
So really famous, then. I lived within 35 miles of Liverpool for 40 years, and have never seen this.
29 Jun, 2013
you have bo be a Beatle fan to know that!
1 Jul, 2013
I was! I was! But back in the sixties, I lived in London, not Liverpool.
1 Jul, 2013
WOW swinging London !Have you seen the movie 'Absolute beginners? Featuring David Bowie?
4 Jul, 2013
In the sixities I was in Bronx NY and I was10 when we moved back toItaly, I always wonder what I could do the in the eighties with Andy Warhol around!
4 Jul, 2013
Yes, I have seen the film, but it was a long time ago and I cannot remember much about it. Yes, London DID swing in those days! It was a good time. I wore one of the first mini skirts, and my father was very upset about it.
5 Jul, 2013
you were roket or nerd?
6 Jul, 2013
What is a roket, Lia? I was definitely never a nerd!
Oh, I think you must mean "Mods" or "Rockers" !!!!!!!
I was too young to be either, really - that happened more in the fifties than the sixties. Miniskirts happened in about 1964 - I used to walk past Mary Quant's shop in the Kings Road, Chelsea, every day on my way to college, and used to long to be fashionable, so I made my own. Very short, very trendy! (In those days I had quite good legs) :o)
6 Jul, 2013
right rockers and mods!
I always make mistake and I need a new keyboard for this computer!
Anyway I prefer Mods!
9 Jul, 2013
I'm sure your keyboard is fine - maybe you type too fast!
9 Jul, 2013
9 Jul, 2013
Oh Dear! DEFINITELY time to get a new one, then. Have you been spilling coffee on them?
10 Jul, 2013
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27 Jun, 2013