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Hosta 'Striptease', Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold', Acer palmatum 'Kamagata'

Hosta 'Striptease', Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold', Acer palmatum 'Kamagata'

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Wow...! What an awesome plant combination ! I'd LOVE to have some Hakonechloa grass. Did you find it at a local nursery, or did you have to mail order it ? I've never seen it for sale around here. They say it is a very slow grower, so I can imagine a clump this size would cost a small fortune, that's probably why I've never seen it for sale at my local hardware store garden center.

10 Jul, 2008


Hi Flcrazy, thanks for the nice comments. I got the H. m. 'All Gold' early Spring '07 for $14.99 USD. They came in "trade gallon" containers which are actually .74 gallons or 3.36 liters. They were small when I got them but they increased surprisingly quickly. I find that 'All Gold' grows faster and breaks dormancy more quickly in the Spring than 'Aureola' which is the more commonly seen golden striped cultivar. There is also a newer cultivar that I'm trying this year called 'Stripe it Rich' which looks like 'All Gold' but has a white stripe down the center. We'll see how it performs. Thanks, Dan

10 Jul, 2008


Thanks for the info Dan, looks like 'all gold' is the one for me then ! I have very poor soil, and the 'auroela' would probably take the rest of my life to increase into a healthy looking clump, and I'm just not that patient anymore, to tell you the Can't wait to see how the 'stripe it rich' does, it sounds gorgeous.

11 Jul, 2008

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