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Cardiocrinum giganteum

Cardiocrinum giganteum (Cardiocrinum giganteum (Giant lily))

Cardiocrinum with double flower.

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Wow this is lovely. Must get its name from its heart shaped leaves.

15 Jul, 2013


It looks like my Foxglove Double Beauty.. which is not doing so well! this looks much healthier!

15 Jul, 2013


It grows from a bulb and takes about four years to flower. It is always worth waiting for.

15 Jul, 2013


That's some patience! It's a beauty.

15 Jul, 2013


Stunning! and you so patient! Certainly worth waiting for Linda

15 Jul, 2013


Wow it's gorgeous Linda . I'm assuming it's grown outside and must be winter hardy ,fabulous !

16 Jul, 2013


Fabulous I hope mine flower like yours!!

17 Jul, 2013


It likes to be in semi shade. We are in Glasgow Amy and it grows well here. I have had them for about ten years. Hope yours is as successful MS.

17 Jul, 2013


WOW!!!!!! I love that :O)

25 Jul, 2013


Thanks do I. :0)

25 Jul, 2013


Love 'em too!
Lost mine a few years ago when I moved as I forgot to lift them- DOH!!!!

15 Oct, 2013


I am hoping to have some bulbs under this plant. They need to mature first. If I do I will share them with you.

16 Oct, 2013


No need, but thanks anyway!
You do realise that the bulbs are monocarpic?

16 Oct, 2013


I have read my mail in the wrong order. The offer is still there Meanie if you change your mind. The plant dies Meanie, but if you wait, as I am doing, it leaves bulbs that can be split up for new plants. They take about four years to mature, but I have them at different stages.

18 Oct, 2013

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