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By Milky


Flowering really well in this warm weather

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This is new to me Maureen it's so pretty !

23 Jul, 2013


Thanks Amy, its grown well for me although a bit tender..its common name is a Pineapple Guava...

23 Jul, 2013


I have never seen or heard of this plant before Milky but it is pretty.

24 Jul, 2013


Me neither....Its beautiful Milky

24 Jul, 2013


I've never heard of it either, is it hardy Maureen? It's lovely!

25 Jul, 2013


Gralew it is supposed to be reasonably tender, but this faces north and gets the worst of the weather in winter, so I think its pretty tough........

27 Jul, 2013



It looks great! I've never seen one bloom in summer. They always bloom in fall or winter here in California.

28 Jul, 2013


Cannot wait for ours to look like this...

25 Oct, 2013


They are so pretty Dotty.....

28 Oct, 2013



Did you get fruit on this tree?

29 Oct, 2013


No Delonix...........

2 Nov, 2013


Well, maybe next year.

2 Nov, 2013


That would be nice..............

3 Nov, 2013


The fruit has a lot of nutritional properties, also.

Is the fruit available for sale there? It's commercially grown here in California.

4 Nov, 2013


Delonix...take a look at the pic I have put on today....1st fruit ever......its about an inch and a half long at the moment.

5 Nov, 2013



Congrats! :>) You'll have some fruit this fall. Yay!

This is why I asking. Sometimes the tree or shrub is loaded with fruit and you can't see them, because it blends in with the foliage so well.

6 Nov, 2013

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