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Spring and Summer2009 5905

Spring and Summer2009 5905

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I love these roses so much....but here, whenever it today...all the flowers are destroyed. At least this year we have had enough dry weather to enjoy our roses for a few weeks! Tomorrow they will all be needing cut off, and then we hope for another dry spell so the plants can produce new ones!

28 Jul, 2013


here this year it was raining a lot in may and the first flowering has been worst as yours. then until a few days ago it's been perfect weather for roses and I had very beautiful flowers.
now it's so hot that some flowers seemed burned by fire!
I hate this heat! hope it will pass soon so my roses can flower again. I hope!
may yours will do well!

28 Jul, 2013


Thanks Lia! Forecast is light rain until Wednesday at least...:(

28 Jul, 2013


Gorgeous rose, love it! Have to admit the rain is very welcome here, much more comfortable temperatures and the garden is loving the rainwater.

30 Jul, 2013


you're right Louisa..
rain is better then heat for me and for garden !

30 Jul, 2013


I see from your profile that you have a pergola; do you have roses or clematis growing on this? I find that Austin Rose, Teasing Georgia, and the purple clematis Jackmanii Superba look good when trained high: (see my recent photos)

31 Jul, 2013


thank you David

31 Jul, 2013

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