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Aristolochia gigantea - Giant Pelican Flower

Aristolochia gigantea - Giant Pelican Flower (Aristolochia gigantea - Giant Pelican Flower)

This Giant Pelican Flower vine is native to northern Brazil. It's pretty widely grown along fences here in southern California. It has the largest flowers of any Aristolochia species. Photo taken at Quail Botanical Gardens on Aug. 6, 2013.

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Now that is impressive :-) .A real show stopper

9 Aug, 2013


wonderful vine..

9 Aug, 2013



Yes, it can be quite s show-stopper. The flowers are huge, to 20 inches or longer.

9 Aug, 2013


WOW!!! that would stop any show and striking contrasting the leaves and bloom have...

from jane....

9 Aug, 2013


I've seen some vines with flowers approaching 3ft (1m) in lenghth and a width up to 2ft (61cm). It's truly a huge flower.

10 Aug, 2013


Absolutely love these!

11 Aug, 2013


I really like this vine, also. I would like one; however, it grows much too aggressively. I have problems keeping the few vines I have in bounds.

11 Aug, 2013


Good job that I don't live there - I would be over run by this, Alamanda, Lapageria and all manner of exotic vines!

13 Aug, 2013


I definitely know you would be growing Thunbergia mysorensis, Strongylodon macrobotrys and Mucuna bennettii for sure! LOL!

I'm so happy my Allamanda 'Cherries Jubilee' is growing and blooming like crazy! It looks awesome! This past winter was really hard on it (the hail storms damaged the leaves quite a bit).

13 Aug, 2013

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