Peacock on buddlea
By Shirlwhirl

11 Aug, 2013
Comments on this photo
Oh wow!!!....Lovely Shirl
11 Aug, 2013
Very nice photo Shirlwhirl
11 Aug, 2013
Aren't they pretty, we seem to have lots of them this year and some brown ones, (forget the name - might be Meadow brown?) plus a few Tortoiseshell. I have seen only one Red Admiral though!!
There are loads of Cabbage whites!! Good job we haven't got any greens for them to ruin this year!!
11 Aug, 2013
I've had a lot of Peacocks too this year, Shirlwhirl, about 8 on the Buddleia together, with a couple of Red Admirals &
Tortoiseshells, all the usual cabbage whites & the browns which in my case are Gatekeepers( they have orangey markings, whereas the M Browns are plain brown). I would like to take pics but they go to the top of my B. which is way out of reach. Lovely photo you managed to get.
13 Aug, 2013
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very beautiful.
11 Aug, 2013