By Motinot

11 Aug, 2013
Comments on this photo
Little worried-face again, on the right!
13 Aug, 2013
They're all gorgeous, think I like the tabby best.
13 Aug, 2013
I like the white one at the back...:>)
13 Aug, 2013
All gorgeous, but the grey one does it for me :))
13 Aug, 2013
He's a beauty Pam....He's my grandaughter's.....
13 Aug, 2013
Lucky girl :)) We had a grey cat, 'Earl Grey' was his official name when visiting the V E T.....all other times just 'Grey'! He lived to a ripe old age of 14. We now have a ginger tom, Sandy, who has us all wrapped round his quite large paws!!:))A bit of a fighter and catcher of all sorts of things, including Magpies!!
13 Aug, 2013
I like that name 'Earl Grey' Pam.....This little one is called Arlo...I dont know why....Magpies?? Goodness he sounds like a big strong boy!!!!...I love cats
13 Aug, 2013
So do I :))
13 Aug, 2013
Oh how lovely......makes me want a cat now, they're gorgeous. My last cat lived 'til she was twenty, she was only a little thing and had to share a home with loads of dogs never fazed her, her name was Dunkel (dark) 'cos she looked black, but had different colours in the sun:-)
14 Aug, 2013
Thats a great name Ba, i love it...20 is a great age for a cat, isnt it?...:>)
14 Aug, 2013
Yes, for the five years, we kept thinking she couldn't last much longer, she went a little senile in the last year or so, wanting to go out, then as soon as she was outside, yowling to come back in lol. She did get a bit confused and prefered to 'go' behind a chair or other inaccessible places rather than outside or her tray. She died quietly at home, lovely old cat:-)
15 Aug, 2013
Oh...but for the Atlantic Ocean I'd take them all! sweet little faces...
have a gray like the little one..named him Rufus ...he had huge paws as a kitten and he's a ruffed bigboy now. Had him neutered and he's now a homebody.
15 Aug, 2013
Aww...such lovely stories. Dunkel & Rufus....Lovely!!!...:>)
15 Aug, 2013
Lovely kittens, haven't they done well, their mum must be feeding them well. Beautiful just beautiful. :O) Loved all the cat stories too. I can remember the girls first kitten, we called it FloJo after the Sprinter (think she was American), because its claws were so long and sharp like her nails. lol. Can you remember her nails? they were very very very long. Showing my age now lol :O)
17 Aug, 2013
When my boys were quite small we lived in a cul-de-sac across the road from a large black tom called Zebedee (Magic Roundabout). He used to wait outside our front door for our little mongrel bitch 'Poppa' to come out and play. The neighbours used to come out to watch them chase each other all round the cul-de-sac, quite a sight. Poppa was a rescue dog and she obviously had been a bit of a rover and escapologist. When she was in season she escaped and ended up with 3 puppies, interestingly, two had short tails as though docked, but the little bitch pup had a long whip tail like her mum. My mum and dad had one called Roly and he lived for 17 years, the the other 2 went to relation of neighbours:-))
17 Aug, 2013
They are so cute you couldn't help falling in love with each and everyone of them :o))
20 Aug, 2013
20 Aug, 2013
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so cute, they're gorgeous.
12 Aug, 2013