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Looking ahead!

Looking ahead!

Today a large load of logs was delivered and made me think of the winter months ahead - sorry!

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Oh no,Chris..that doesn't bear thinking about,for a while yet,I hope..especially as I have been outside on a lounger all afternoon !:o) but I guess you have to prepare well in advance..Our friends in Lincolnshire were planning to do the same this week..and making another wood store..
What a lovely neat stacking job there :o)

16 Aug, 2013


'Nought to do with me'.....I too was on the lounger - not the same one as you of course :-))

16 Aug, 2013


ha ha,I would have found you one of your own :o)

16 Aug, 2013


lol :O) we shall be doing the same here soon :O)

17 Aug, 2013


OH has been out in the hot sunshine for several days now, stacking our huge delivery of logs in pallet-built emplacements down the drive, too. It's so hard to think of winter while August is still here. Never mind, Chris, you'll be happy to have them come the snowy season! Back to the sunbed now.

19 Aug, 2013


I do too and cherry wood will smell lovely when it is burning. I love the smell of log fires, bonfires too come to think of it.

20 Aug, 2013


I love the smell of woodpiles, too, especially when it's hot and the wood is baking. One year, though, we got a polecat nesting somewhere inside the pile of logs - you could smell it from about 5 yards away - not so nice!

22 Aug, 2013


I thought it was one of those bee/insect homes that they advertise ...have to be bloomin' big bees :-))

23 Aug, 2013

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