for champion burdock!
By Lorilyn57
- 18 Aug, 2013
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probably from the root of the burdock, Amy. There is a herbal anti-cancer remedy called Essiac (Caisse backwards)for the nurse who had the recipe from the Ojibway and published it to help cancer sufferers. (Burdock root, Turkish Rhubarb, Sheep Sorel and Slippery Elm bark)
Burdock root is supposed to be delicious as a vegetable too, I understand like Salsify, which is reputed to taste like oysters...(I've never tried it...couldn't say if that's true or not!)
28 Aug, 2013
I have grown Salsify Lori I wasn't too keen , I've bought a plant of Stevia the sugar plant you mentioned I spotted it on a herb stall , It's drooped a lot since I planted it fingers crossed that it will recover :)
29 Aug, 2013
I like the salsify flower and the seed head...but never been tempted to cook and eat the root! Had a stevia but it didn't make it thro the winter...found the sweetness a bit cloying, too. It also had an aftertaste that I don't care for. But if sugar sweetness is forbidden then it is a good substitute. If you use it to sweeten you will find that a little goes a very long way! Good luck with it, Amy. I have no doubt it will flourish under your green fingers! ;-)
30 Aug, 2013
I don't think I'll be using it as a sugar substitute Lori I don't have a problem with sugar I don't have much of it I prefer savoury ,I only bought the plant to try it ! the plant has picked up since we had some rain :o)
31 Aug, 2013
T. just told me that the long range weather is calling for overnight lows of 6 and 4 degrees C. next's only the first week of Sept. What is going on? first autumn here, 2011, we had a frost the first week of Sept. and my dahlias had just started to bloom...lost all the flowers! don't want a repeat of that...but maybe this is the "norm" for this area. Still learning this garden!
Just a thought: for a little garden treat try picking a leaf of peppermint or spearmint and taking a small stevia leaf with it....mmmmm candy! Don't chew the stevia for too long...I understand that it can be overpowering!
2 Sep, 2013
Oh Lori it's not nice to be thinking about cold weather already is it ? it is cooling down here at night also the evenings are drawing in and getting dark quickly I don't like it when you can't go out after the evening meal . I hope you have better luck with your dahlias this year !
I will try that with the mint and Stevia we still have plenty of mint in the garden !
2 Sep, 2013
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Is the plant from which Dandelion and Burdock drink is made from ?
27 Aug, 2013