Natures mix...asters, goldenrod, sorel, joe pye
By Lorilyn57

3 Sep, 2013
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Yes, Amy, it is E.purpureum...I had to google it to find out that it was named Joe Pye for a native healer who was said to have cured typhoid fever with the plant. If the root and blossoms are steeped in a tea it is said to relieve problems with the kidneys and bladder. (urinary tract) It is such a beautiful plant, it grows amazingly tall (6-8 ft) in perfect conditions...but will still grow and bloom, albeit smaller in stature, in shade and less than perfect soil. JP and vervain grow wild and profusely along the little stream and on the verges of the forest. both are sturdy tall plants so I'm encouraging them in some spots and trying to move them out of other places...they trump my efforts anyway. ;-)
8 Sep, 2013
they call that 'naturalization' in Windsor ;)
so many areas are designated that owned property that is.
If it were our backyards we would be fined for not cutting the grass & letting the weeds take over.
14 Sep, 2013
Glad to hear that Windsor is so enlightened. Never understood why municipalities take it upon themselves to denigrate the wild things. Naturalization, indeed. I've been thrilled to find that a little trimming of the messy looking grasses and the wild flowers take on an organized, garden-like appearance. It makes me I have found a secret. ;-) learning to like "laissez-faire" gardening.
15 Sep, 2013
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Lol That's a new one Joe Pye , is it Eupatorium Purpureum ? if so how did it get that name JP ?
4 Sep, 2013