By Randallsd
- 18 Sep, 2013
White Plumaria, taken September 12th 2013.
Comments on this photo
They're definitely one of my favorites.
19 Sep, 2013
Is this the common Plumeria 'Celadine?'
21 Sep, 2013
I'm not sure, I've had the plant a long and don't remember what the name might have been if it was labeled at all. I guess it could be 'Celadine' though it looks to have a bit less yellow then what I was looking at online.
23 Sep, 2013
Celadine is a variable variety. Plant-to-plant it can look very different.
23 Sep, 2013
Its a Celadine.
How do Plumeria like 'Aztec Gold' do outdoors? I grew them in a greenhouse.beautiful blooms. One cutting I half a**** tried outdoors rotted in rains. How I did things then (12 years ago)are not up to today's standards-lol.
17 Oct, 2014
All Plumeria varieties grow magnificently here. There's a lot of large shrubs and trees in our neighborhood (Randallsd is my neighbor).
18 Oct, 2014
I haven't tried 'Aztec Gold' but as Delonix say's Plumeria do well here. Usually winters aren't wet enough to cause rot or cold enough for frost damage. I'm located on a Mesa that gets a good amount of heat (hot this year) during the summer, in winter cold air tends to drain off into the lower canyons, frost is rare and usually very light. This is a bit of a micro climate and I do like zone pushing.
18 Oct, 2014
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really really adore this plant.....
18 Sep, 2013