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Callas have weathered two hard frosts

Callas have weathered two hard frosts

Will have to dig them up soon..but they're huge this year. Must be the soil.

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Looking very fresh after two frosts!

27 Sep, 2013


This is my newest bed, Karen. It is in the lee of a row of very tall spruce trees and the walnut tree, and on the south side of the stream valley and I think that sheltered spot has helped them survive when my tomatoes etc. succumbed.

28 Sep, 2013


Do you expect to see your first real snow next month?

28 Sep, 2013


Good grief...I hope not, Resi. But this was the coldest summer I can remember...we only had about a week of hot summer weather. The rest was temperate with cooler than normal nights. So perhaps if the weather patterns continue as they have been we might see colder than normal weather sooner than normal! sounds like gobbledegook...the result is the I've no idea, just hoping...

28 Sep, 2013

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