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Chilli Peppers Beauty Bell


By Amy

Chilli Peppers    Beauty Bell

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Looking good Amy :-) I grew some for the first time this year just don't know what the heck I'm going to do with them all lol.

8 Oct, 2013


LOL it's always the way Kathy either too much or to little ,, chop it really finely and freeze it thats what I do then use it in the winter months ........

8 Oct, 2013


Ditto Kathy. Ours are loaded too but Amy advised me how to freeze them :). Grew the shallots and pickled them a month ago, John suggested we put some chopped up chillis in one of the jars, tried them tonight, lovely, pickled onions with a kick!

8 Oct, 2013


What a good idea Dawn , I've done Beetroot with slices of onions that proved popular !

8 Oct, 2013


I never thought to freeze them!!!! not something you ever see frozen is it ? but I certainly will now, I do use chillies just not that often, next things butternut squash they're taking over the world lol.
Good idea with the pickled onions Dawn, now why didn't I grow shallots pickled onions are something we love, oh well next year :-)

9 Oct, 2013


Sweet potatoes ! can we grow them here ? anyone !

9 Oct, 2013


They look gorgeous a real Autumn bounty;0)

9 Oct, 2013



9 Oct, 2013


Hi Amy, beetroot and onion, interesting.
Kathy, I wouldnt know what to do with butter squash.
Get pickling onions next year then, a thankless job but worth it.

Amy, sweet potatoes can be grown here. A friend of ours brought us some over which his Dad had grown, beautiful too.

9 Oct, 2013


Thanks Carole / Angela , I must look out for some sweet potatoes next year Dawn I like them !

10 Oct, 2013


Me them, but no room to grow them though!

10 Oct, 2013


Can you buy pickling onions to grow then Dawn ? may be a stupid question lol but I'm a bit new to the veg growing only really my third year, well apart from tomatoes, they must be tiny little things?. Love butternut squash roasted but must look for some more recipes the amount I've got lol, Jamie Oliver did a couple on tv the other night.
Oooo now I love sweet potatoes to we bought one of those actifrys a couple of months ago sweet potato chips are amazing in that mmmm so if they grow here Dawn I'll be giving them a go to :-)

10 Oct, 2013


Kathy you need to buy and grow Shallots for pickling onions they grow in clumps several in a clump together rather like cloves of garlic only bigger , you separate them to pickle them , you wait for the tops to die down dig them up then lay them out in the sunshine to dry ! , I'm interested in the actifry Kathy I've heard of them but not seen one , you are obviously recommend them :o))

11 Oct, 2013


Thanks Amy I'll be growing them next year then, did grow onions this year so just the same then, mind you mine weren't huge unlike the man on the next allotment whos were enormous!!! he says he feeds them with a secret food and wouldn't let on what it was lol.
I must make more use of my actifry Amy only had it a couple of months and been so busy outside so this winter I'll be trying more recipes, have done sweet and sour in it and my roasties on a sunday, banana fritters mmm and of course chips, they take so little olive oil, less than a teaspoon, so they're quite healthy, so much better than the old deep fat fryers that greased everything up in the kitchen and took so much oil to fill, really easy to clean to, there's also a website were people post the things they've made in it which I've joined, I bought mine from tesco online and picked it up from our local store.

11 Oct, 2013


We have a chappy who grows giant veg on his allotment Kathy he shows them at our horticultural shows massive things nobody else stands a chance of winning it's his hobby he spends so much time on growing them he deserves to win , I googled and had a quick peep at the actifry on line Kathy it looked as if there were a couple of sizes what do you have ? ... I have a deep fat fryer set into the worktop which is brilliant but to clean it out you have to empty the cupboard underneath put a container under the tap in the cupboard to let the used oil run into it !

11 Oct, 2013


Hi Kathy, you can buy onions to pickle, sometimes you see them on market stalls, a big string bag for about £6. Or sometimes in places like Lidl or Aldi, I'll probably get some as a jar of the ones I pickled have gone already.

I've wanted an Actifry for a while, I think we discussed them once before Amy. The price put me off a bit though Kathy. I dont know how you grow sweet potatoes, wonder if you set them like potatoes?

I usually grow half shallots and half onions, I find the onions so useful for use through the autumn, mine are strung up in the garage :-)

13 Oct, 2013


We did mention the Actifry Dawn I didn't realise they were so expensive but I have been hearing good reports about them , I suppose you would make up for it with the saving on oil ! Dawn Pickling Shallots keep longer and firmer than pickling Onions I needed some more Pickling Shallots last year after using all our own and couldn't find any anywhere , probably because it was too late in the season ... ...

13 Oct, 2013


I'd love an Actifry, maybe if they come down in price. I didnt realise shallots kept better Amy. , I just grow them for pickling because my Dad did :). They had small string bags at Morrisons for £1 last week, just labelled pickling onions.

20 Oct, 2013

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